Baldur’s Gate 3: Sorcerer Vs Wizard [Comparison Guide]

Which one is the better class "The Sorcerer" or "The Wizard". This guide will show you Mage build caster is better to use.

Baldur's Gate 3 Sorcerer vs. Wizard
Baldur's Gate 3 Sorcerer vs. Wizard

Sorcerer vs. Wizard is a question many of us have: which class has the upper hand in combat and which doesn’t, though these may seem similar because they are both magic users and have access to the same spells. But we are here to tell you that they are very different from one another and can change your entire gameplay depending on which one of them you choose.

Key Takeaways

  • Sorcerer and the Wizard are unique classes with characters, stats, and abilities.
  • You can choose elf and half-elf because both are best suited for mage builds such as a Wizard and a Sorcerer.
  • The Sorcerer and the Wizard are good in their Perspective Fields but differ in stats and abilities.

Sorcerer Build

Sorcerers are innate spellcasters, drawing their magical powers from a natural gift or their bloodline.

Baldur's Gate 3 Sorcerer vs Wizard (Sorcerer Profile)
Sorcerer (Image Credit: Gamesual)

Sub-ClassWild Magic

I would always recommend fighting from a reasonable distance because a Sorcerer’s main strength lies in his spell-casting to deal massive damage and is not good at absorbing damage. We would like you to consider the following stats when leveling up.



Sorcerer Feats List
Sorcerer Feats (Image Credit: Gamesual)

You can select these at levels 4, 6, 8, and 12. You will only be granted four feat points, so use them wisely. These were the choices I made during my time with this class. 

  • Ability Improvement: We used this to add two points to Charisma.
  • Magic initiate Sorcerer: Allows the user to select Two Cantrips and One level 1 spell.
  • Crossbow Expert (optional): Increases crossbow proficiency.
  • Mage Slayer(optional): Enemies get a disadvantage on Concentration.
  • War Caster(optional): Gives advantage on saving throws to maintain Concentration on spells.


These are spells with no level and don’t take up spell slots.

Cantrip NameCantrip TypeCantrip RangeCantrip Damage Cantrip Description
LightEvocationNo RangeNot an Attack CantripHelps light up the area
Bone ChillNecromancy18m3-24Prevents target from
Acid Splash Conjuration18m3-18Hit target with a ball of acid
True StrikeDivination18mNot an Attack CantripProvides advantage on attack roll
Balde Ward AbjurationNo RangeNot an Attack CantripProvides a shield against Melee attack for 2 turns
Poison SprayConjuration3m3-36Hits target with poison gas
Fire Bolt - High ElfEvocation18m3-30Hits target with fire
Ray of Frost - Magic InitiateEvocation18m3-24Reduces target speed by 3m
Shocking Grasp -Magic initiateEvocationMelee3-24Stuns the target for 1 turn


Our focus primarily centered on attack spells for the Sorcerer. Due to the limited spell slots available, I would suggest picking a direction for your class. Therefore, it’s more effective to construct a build dedicated to a single role, be it support or attack.

Spell Name Spell LevelSpell TypeSpell RangeSpell DamageSpell Description
Chromatic Orb1Evocation18m3-24Launches a sphere that deals Thunder dmg
Magic Missle1Evocation18m6-15Fires 3 magic darts at target
Burning Hand1Evocation Spell5m3-18Burns the target in close vecnity
Witch Bolt1Evocation Spell18m1-12Links player to target with bolt of lightning for 10 turns
Thunderwave- Magic initiate1Evocation Spell5m2-16Pushes enemies back
Scorching Ray2Evocation Spell18m6-36Shoots 3 rays of Fire at Target
Fireball3Evocation Spelll18m8-48Shoots a ball of fire at the target
Lightning Bolt3Evocation Spell30m8-48Bolt of lightning that targets every enemy in a line
Ice Storm4Evocation Spell18m6-40Launches ice spikes in 6m radius stayes for 2 turns
Blight4Necromancy Spell9m8-64Only affective agents living targets
Insect Plague5Conjuration Spell18m4-40Effects Terrain and stays for 10 turns
Cloudkill5Conjuration Spell18m5-40Releases a cloud of poisen
Sunbeam6Evocation Spell18m6-48Beam of light that targets enemies in a line
Disintegrate6Transmutation Spell9m50-100Disintegrates the targeted enemy

Wizard Build

The Wizard Class has access to many spells, so we focused on attack and support spells.

Baldur's Gate 3 Sorcerer vs Wizard (Wizard Profile)
Wizard (Image Credit: Gamesual)


Wizards Fight from a distance, which is why they don’t require much strength or constitution, and as a result, you would always keep my Wizard behind a tanky Barbarian. We suggest you consider the following stats when leveling up.



Wizard Feats List
Wizard Feats (Image Credit: Gamesual)

You can select these on Levels 4, 6, 8, and 12. You will only be granted 4 Feat points, so use them wisely. We chose the following.

  • Ability Improvement: We used this to add two points to Intelligence.
  • Magic initiate Wizard: Allows the user to select Two Cantrips and One level 1 spell.
  • Crossbow Expert (optional): Increases crossbow proficiency.
  • Mage Slayer(optional): Enemies get a disadvantage on Concentration.
  • Lucky (optional): Grants 3 luck points that give you an advantage on attack rolls, saving throws, or Ability Checks.


These are spells with no level and don’t take up spell slots.

Cantrip NameCantrip TypeCantrip RangeCantrip DamageCantrip Description
Fire BoltEvocation Cantrip18m3-30Hits target with fire
Poison SprayConjuration Cantrip3m3-36Hits target with poison gas
Ray of FrostEvocation Cantrip18m3-24Reduces target speed by 3m
Shocking GraspEvocation CantripMelee3-24Stuns the target for 1 turn
Minor IllusionIllusion Cantrip18mNot an Attack Cantripcreates an illusion
Blade Ward - High Half ElfAbjuration CantripNo RangeNot an Attack CantripProvides a Shield against Melee attacks for 2 turns
Acid Splash - Magic iinitiate WizardConjuration Cantrip18m3-18hit target with a ball of acid
Bone Chill - Magic initiate WizardNecromancy Cantrip18m3-24Prevents target from healing


We created a versatile Build with combat and non-combat spells. Even with a vast roster of powerful magic, You are not invincible because you can only use 16 spells to think carefully and select spells according to the encounter.

Spell NamesSpell LevelSpell TypeSpell RangeSpell DamageSpell Description
Witch Bolt1Evocation Spell18m1-12Links player to target with bolt of lightning for 10 turns
Magic Missle1Evocation Spell18m6-15Fires 3 magic darts at target
Grease1Conjuration Spell4mStatus effect spellHinder ennmy movment and make them fall
Chromatic Orb1Evocation Spell18m3-24Launches a sphere that deals Thunder Damage
Thunderwave1Evocation Spell5m2-16Pushes enemies back
Mage Armor1Abjuration SpellMeleeNot an Attack SpellA protection spell that wroks only when the target isn't wearing armor
Tasha's Hideous Laughter1Enchantment Spell18mStatus effect spellMakes target prone with laughter damaging the enemy can cancl the effects
Fog Cloud1Conjuration Spell5mStatus effect spellBlinds targets with a thick cloud
Burning Hand - Magic initiate Wizard1Evocation SpellNo Range3-18Burns the target
Detect Thoughts2Divination SpellNo RangeNot an Attack SpellAlows player to read targets thoughts when taking to them
Arcane lock2Abjuration SpellNo RangeNot an Attack SpellAlows user to lock doors and contaners
Cloud of Daggers2Conjuration Spell18m4-16Conjurs a cloud of daggers that attack anyone inside it
Crown of Madness2Enchantment Spell18mNot an Attack SpellMakes ememy go mad with fear and attack anyone close by
Scorching Ray2Evocation Spell18m6-36Shoots 3 rays of Fire at Target
Fireball3Evocation Spelll18m8-48Shoots a ball of fire at the target
Slow3Transmutation spell18mStatus effect spellSlow down time
Stinking Cloud3Conjuration Spell18mStatus effect spellPrevents targets form taking action in a 6m radius
Lightning Bolt3Evocation SpellNo Range8-48Bolt of lightning that targets every enemy in a line in a 30m radius
Fear3Illusion SpellNo RangeStatus effect spellCauses Fear in enemies
Banishment4Abjuration Spell18mNot an Attack SpellSends the target to another dimenction for a short time
Confusion4Enchantment Spell18mStatus effect spellEffects the mind of an enemy and make them do random things
Ice Storm4Evocation Spell18m6-40Launches ice spikes in 6m radius stayes for 2 turns
Fire Shield4Evocation SpellNo Range4-32Creats a shield on the target that damages anyone in melee attack range
Stone Skin4Abjuration SpellNo RangeNot an Attack SpellCreats a shield on the user that reduces the damge taken by 50%
Cloudkill5Conjuration Spell18m5-40Releases a cloud of poisen
Sunbeam6Evocation Spell18m6-48Beam of light that targets enemies in a line
Chain Lightning6Evocation Spell18m10-80Hits the target and three more enemies with lightning with in 18m
Globe of invulnerablity6Abjuration Spell3mNot an Attack SpellMake a barrier that negates all damage
Flesh of Stone6Transmutation spell18mStatus effect spellTurns target to stone


Observing the builds above, it’s evident that the Wizard stands out as the superior class, boasting 16 readily available spells and the potential to switch between 29 spells when fully developed.

This extensive selection provides the Wizard with a highly versatile arsenal. See the table below for a Comparison of character, abilities, and stats. We highlighted the main differences in both the Sorcerer and the Wizard.

Sorcerer Wizard
Race Elf Race Half-Elf
Sub-Race High-Elf Sub-Race High-Half-Elf
Background Acolyte Background Sage
Sub-Class Wild Magic Sub-Class Abjuration
Prime Ability Charisma Prime Ability Intelligence
Number of Cantrips 9 Number of Cantrips 8
Active Spells Slots 13 Active Spells Slots 16
Total Number of Spells 13 Total Number of Spells 29
Feats 4 Feats 4
Strength 8 Strength 8
Dexterity 13 Dexterity 13
Constitution 15 Constitution 15
Intelligence 12 Intelligence 19
Wisdom 10 Wisdom 10
Charisma 19 Charisma 12

From the table above, we can see that the Wizard has more abilities than the Sorcerer; hence, the clear winner of the outcome is the Wizard. However, I suggest that new players start with the Sorcerer class. Its limited spell options make it easier to grasp the fundamentals of how a magic user class functions.

My Thoughts

Spellcasters are one of my favorite classes to play in any game. Even though one spellcaster is enough, during my 20-plus hours with the game, I discovered that having two different types of Spellcasters was also a solid move. This meant that while one of the classes depended on its Intelligence for casting magic, the other depended on Charisma.

Baldur's Gate 3 Gameplay
Baldur’s Gate 3 – Gameplay Time: Image by Gamesual

However, if you want to limit your party to one spellcaster, I recommend picking the Wizard. This class might not be the best at taking damage, but this class shouldn’t be your line of defense. 

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