Upcoming “Cobra DMR” Weapon Leaked In Fortnite Files

According to an famous leaker, Fortnite files reveled an upcoming weapon "Cobra DMR" as part of the SypherPK.

New Cobra DMR Coming To Fortnite Cover Image
New Cobra DMR Coming To Fortnite

There is a new DMR on the way to Fortnite, and it is something that you are going to want to keep an eye out for. Several states are attached to the new Cobra DMR, which might make it one of the better weapons released this season. The weapon was unveiled in a trailer of Fortnite SypherPK. But the trailer did not share many details about the weapon.

Considering all this, let’s go ahead and get into the potential new weapon.

Coba DMR
Coba DMR

The Cobra DMR is an exciting alternative to the standard DMR because it will have unique stats. According to the in-game files, it will have a clip that is ten more than the standard DMR, but it will do 15 less damage on each hit.

It also has a higher rate of fire, coming in at 1.6 times faster than the standard model. Moreover, the weapon will take one second longer to reload than the regular DMR, along with a slightly brutal recoil.

In the end, the original DMR is still a fine weapon for players, but the new Cobra does give you some options. This opinion is especially true if you feel that the latest weapons roster is not of the highest quality. Either way, this is still an excellent addition to Fortnite.

While you are here, why not check out our article on Fortnite Guided Missile Returns

Source: Twitter

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