Virtuos Studio Is Working With Konami On A Metal Gear Game

We have heard that Virtuos Studio is working with Konami On A Metal Gear Game and it could to be Snake Eater.

Virtuos Studio is working with Konami On A Metal Gear Game
Virtuos Studio is working with Konami On A Metal Gear Game

There has been an exciting development with Konami and the Metal Gear franchise. It appears that Virtuos Studio is working with Konami to create a new Metal Gear game. Keep in mind to take this with a grain of salt as developers have not hinted for an upcoming Meta Gear Game.


  • Virtuos appears to be working with Konami on a new metal gear title.
  • Due to other leaks that have emerged, some suspect it may be a new variation of Snake Eater.

The news comes from a Reddit post about the Virtuos Studio working with Konami. According to the latest details, Virtuos Studio listed Konami as a recent client on its website. This establishes that the two are working together for the first time on a project.

So this collaboration is happening. We also saw that Virtuos is following Konami on Twitter as additional proof.

Moreover, another reason that supports the fact that the Metal Gear Solid game under development is a YouTube video from The Virtuos Studio. We saw Metal Gear art in the background during an interview with a concept artist.

Now on its own, the studio could be using it for inspiration, but this news might mean more. But still, we can speculate that the studio is working on a possible upcoming Metal Gear Solid title.

It is most likely a remake or a remaster of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Additionally, we can also expect Konami to officially announce the title confirming all of the leaks. For now, we must take it with a grain of salt and wait for official announcement.

That’s all we know about the significant collaboration of Virtuos Studio with Konami. What are your thoughts on the subject matter? Share with us in the comments section down below.

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