Minecraft: 7 Best Ways To Gain EXP

After spending a considerable chunk of my life in Minecraft, here are the best ways to farm EXP.

Exp gain in Minecraft
Best Ways To Farm Exp in Minecraft

Minecraft’s Exp has a different motivation. Rather than upgrading the player’s skill base in the game, it opens various enchantments and upgrades to be implemented on the items that the player has acquired. I will talk about the best ways to farm EXP in this guide.

Key Takeaways

  • A few possible shortcuts for Exp gain is to get a Bottle o’ Enchanting, which can be acquired through clerics by trading. Break the bottle and get 3-11 Exp points at the very moment.
  • For a multiplayer world, killing a player will hand off Exp as per the level of the player that you have slain. 7 points per level.
  • If you are playing Java Edition, there are challenges set for you that give a tremendous amount of Exp upon completion.
  • Some other ways are:
    1. Animals
    2. Killing Mobs
    3. Trading with Villagers
    4. Through Mining and Smelting
    5. By slaying Ender Dragon
    6. The Monster Spawner hack

Author’s Trust

Having logged in for hundreds of hours in Minecraft, I have mastered crafting, building, and survival. With my extensive experience in the game, I believe the following are the best ways to farm XP.

– Ahmed Raza


Best way to continously farm EXP.

A very suitable method to farm Exp is through animals. Herds of sheep and cattle of cows spread across the world.

Killing is not the only way to leech Exp out of the animals. I also recommend breeding them. As a result, our animal kingdom will not move toward extinction point, and you will keep extracting Exp out of them. The distribution of the points is as follows:

  • Killing animals will reward you with 1-3 experience points.
  • Breeding animals will reward you with 1-7 points.
  • Fishing will also provide you points somewhere between 1-6.
  • Exp providing for both passive and neutral animals is the same as 1-3 points per animal. Also, killing baby animals will not grant you anything at all.
  • Offers multiple farming techniques
  • Multi-purpose
  • A life-long and consistent source of EXP
  • Slow production
Exp from animals
Exp From Animals

Killing Mobs

Quickest way to farm EXP.

If you have the equipment and courage to make your way into the wilderness of the open world, then you should start hunting some non-friendly mobs. Moreover, killing these mobs will provide you with a significant amount of Exp points.

  • Creatures such as Zombies, Skeletons, and Creepers will grant you Exp ranging from 1-3.
  • A further 5 points will also be added per equipment that you contain.
  • Blaze and Guardians can be killed to obtain 10 Exp points.
  • Slime and Magma Cubes of large, medium, and small size can be sliced to provide 4, 2, and 1 points, respectively.
  • Ravager and Piglin Brute grant 20 points.
  • Rewards quickly and instantly
  • Can be done repeatedly
Kill mobs for exp
Using Furnace For Farming Exp

Trades With Villagers

Best Passive way to farm EXP.

Before we move ahead, I want to clarify that I’m not talking about killing these villagers here. Villagers will trade most of the things with you in exchange for some equipment, food, or items, depending on the trader.

The scale of Exp gain is usually from 3-6, but the numbers can be increased to 8-11 if the villager is ready to breed.

  • Passively rewards EXP
  • Requires trading

We also have a detailed guide on Minecraft Villagers. Make sure to check that out.

Trade Method
Trading With the Villagers

Through Mining

Best Straightforward way to farm EXP.

I believe this is the most straightforward method to farm EXP. Exp gain from mining varies on what type of ore the player is mining.

  • Mainly, if you are farming in the Nether, the blocks of Nether Quartz Ore will provide you with 2-5 Exp points. 
  • On the contrary, caves in the everyday world will expose some Redstone Ore that is way more valuable in farming on some levels. It contains 1-5 Exp points and is relatively easy to find compared to other resourceful ores.
  • Furthermore, some ores provide negligible Exp points but can be found at caves’ entrances. Conversely, rich Exp ores are rare to find.
    • Coal Ore gives 0-2 points.
    • Nether Gold Ore contains 0-1 points.
    • Lapis Lazuli Ore hands 2-5 points.
    • Sculk provides one experience point, and Sculk-related blocks yield 5 points.
    • Diamonds and Emeralds have the best distribution of Exp points ranging from 3-7.
  • Consistent supply
  • Passive supply
  • Slow rewarding
Exp from Mining

Farming For Exp Gain

Best Hacks to farm consistent EXP.

Apart from these conventional methods, here are some of my favorite unconventional methods to farm EXP.

  • You can dig a wide hole in the ground. Then, wait for the night to fall, and once monsters like Zombies and Skeletons have spawned, you can drag them into that pit. Wait for the daytime; by the morning, there will be nothing but a bunch of Exp clumps waiting for you to collect it.
  • Now, this one is my favorite one. You may call it a hack, but another relatively more effective way involves exploring the underground.
  • Your goal is to find a Monster Spawner. Once you have done that, start creating a structure that blocks the monster from escaping the area after it spawns.
  • Your Exp farm is ready to produce a fair amount of points until the very end. Furthermore, you can also destroy the Monster Spawner to get 15-43 points right away.
  • Infinite Production
  • Continuous production
  • Highly rewarding
  • Passive production

If you wish to create a structure that can hold monsters when they spawn, watch this step-by-step guide from the YouTube video.

Farm spawner
Exp Farm with Spawner


Beginner EXP Farming Strategy.

The furnace can also be used to extract EXP along with minerals and items. Although it is another one of my least favorite ways to farm EXP, I’m mentioning it here to keep the balance in the game.

  • An abundance of material is thrown in the furnace for smelting objectives. As a result, a small outcome for each item will be received but in an immense amount. Take Gold and Emerald Ores, for example; each ore smelted will yield 1 Exp point. Let’s take something less rare, like Iron Ore, which will provide 0.7 points for each ore smelted.
  • Equipment made of Gold and Iron will provide the same points as smelting a block of Sand: 0.1 Exp gain from each piece or block.
  • Cooking will also be counted as a method of acquiring some experience points. Although, cooking might not be the best option if you want to obtain experience through a furnace. Most cooking can harvest 0.35 points for each consumable.
  • EXP is by-product
  • Slow rewarding
Smelting / Cooking
Exp from Furnace

Ender Dragon

Highest Rewarding EXP farming method.

Fighting the most ferocious beast of Minecraft is no easy task. It is one of the most challenging tasks to accomplish. But fighting the Ender Dragon head-on has some benefits that can keep up your morale.

  • In terms of gaining experience, slaying the Ender Dragon can hand out the most cherishing amount of Exp. The beast is worth 12000 points, which is equivalent to 68 levels.
  • Moreover, you can respawn Ender Dragon using End Crystals, but this time, the outcome of the experience drops from 12000 to 500 points.
  • Highest rewarding
  • Quick rewards
  • Difficult to defeat the dragon
Ender Dragon
Exp From Ender Dragon

My Thoughts On Farming EXP

I usually don’t specifically farm EXP, as playing the game as usual already rewards me enough. However, during my time in-game, I have experimented with many things, and I can say that the ways mentioned above work like charm. Especially, the Monster Spawner hack, which I learned from a random YouTuber, is my favorite one!

Have fun playing, and don’t forget to read more on:

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