Armored Core 6 has been the most awaited game of the year and for a good reason. The action-packed game has players stuck to their seats, figuring out how to defeat the best of the best. For some, the game is more challenging than the others. However, the gaming community does its best to cater to its players’ needs by providing everyone an edge for defeating the more difficult bosses.
Key Takeaways
- Game trainers can help you get an edge during a challenging game.
- Armored Core 6 has four major trainers, adding more options to players, inventory, enemies, and games.
- Disable the Windows Firewall before downloading any trainers.
- WeMod is the most reliable trainer and is available on Steam, and CheatHappens is available on AURORA.
Armored Core 6 trainers are just as good as the game itself, so for anyone who needs a little push in defeating Balteus or gaining extra XP easily, read through the following guide to get details on the trainers and how to download them.
These trainers provide a smoother way to use cheats than the cheat engines and aid you in completing the game. Three main trainers that have been released for Armored Core 6 are as follows:
Note: We do not encourage the installation of Trainers or any other method of cheating, as it may lead to losing the game progress. Before installing any trainers, ensure your Windows Firewall is disabled, as it may hinder installation.
If you are a regular Steam user, you probably have used WeMod trainers for games like Elden Ring. Offering a comprehensive list of 17 cheats, this is the most reliable trainer to install. It is also trustworthy to download as it comes with the application. Get the following cheats for Players, Enemies, Inventory as well as Game modes using WeMod trainer:
Keys | Options |
Player | |
Num 1 | Infinite AP |
Num 2 | Infinite Energy |
Num 3 | No ACS Overload |
Num 4 | Infinite Ammo |
Num 5 | No Reload |
Num 6 | Instant Weapon Cooldown |
Num 7 | Instant Weapon Charge |
Num 8 | Instant Scan Cooldown/ Instant Reload |
Num 9 | Infinite Repair Kits |
Num 0 (Increase) Ctrl + Num 0 (Decrease) | Defense Multiplier |
Inventory | |
. (Increase) Ctrl + . (Decimal) | Edit COAM |
Num + | Inifinte OST CHIPS |
Enemies | |
Settings | Make Enemies ACS Overload |
Settings | One-Hit Kills |
Settings | Damage Multiplier |
Game | |
Settings | Freeze Mission Timer |
Settings | Set Game Speed |
Available directly on STEAM for installation.
- Updated: 28-08-2023
- Game Version: v1.0
To download, search WeMod trainer on Steam and install it.

FLiNG has never disappointed when it comes to releasing trainers. The FLiNGTRAiNER for Armored Core 6 offers 17 sets of cheat codes that can make your game experience a lot easier. The following is the list of options offered by the trainer:
Key | Option |
Num 1 | Infinte AP |
Num 2 | Infinite Energy |
Num 3 | No ACS Overload |
Num 4 | Infinite Ammo |
Num 5 | No Reload |
Num 6 | Instant Weapon Cooldown |
Num 7 | Instant Scan Cooldown/ Instant Reload |
Num 8 | Infinite Repair Kits |
Num 9 | Make Enemies ACS Overload |
Num 0 | One Hit Kills |
Num . | Damage Multiplier |
Num + | Defense Multiplier |
Alt + Num 1 | Instant Weapon Charge |
Alt + Num 2 | Freeze Mission Timer |
Ctrl + Num 1 | Edit Coam |
Ctrl + Num 2 | Infinite OST Chips |
Ctrl + Num 3 | Set Game Speed |
The trainer comes in several download versions:
- Auto-Updating (Latest is +17)
- Standalone Versions (+14, +17)
- Updated: 28-08-2023
- Game Version: v1.0
To disable the Easy AntiCheat protection, follow the instructions:
- Place the ‘start_protected_game.exe’ in the same folder as the game.
- Launch the game using this exe file.

Providing a list of 11 cheats, Cheathappens is another trainer for Armored Core 6 that serves as a reliable and trustworthy source. Although the installation process is not as smooth as the other two trainers, the +12 trainer is a powerful ally to have on your side. The following are the options offered:
- Unlimited AP Health
- No Damage Heat Bar
- No Reload
- Unlimited Repair Kits
- Freeze Mission Timer
- Game Speed
- Unlimited EN Stamina Energy
- Unlimited Ammo
- No Melee Attack Overheat
- Fast Scan Reset
- Unlimited OST Chips
- Edit: COAM
Steam and AURORA are standard distributors for this trainer.
- Updated: 25-08-2023
- Game Version: v1.01
Download the trainer here.

FearLess Cheat Engine
Serving the gaming community, the FearLess Revolution has also released a trainer for Armored Core 6, the +21 trainer. Offering a list of 21 exciting options, this trainer has received many positive reviews. The following are the offered options:
- Activate Trainer
- Unlimited AP
- Activate ACS Editor
- No ACS Overload
- Make Enemies ACS Overload
- Activate Damage Editor
- Easy Kills
- Damage Multiplier Edit
- Defence Multiplier Edit
- Activate Weapon Editor
- Unlimited Ammo
- No Reload
- Activate Money Editor
- Money Edit
- Unlimited Repair Kits
- Fast Scan Cooldown
- Unlimited Energy
- Fast Weapon Cooldown
- Unlimited OST CHIPS
- Freeze Mission Timer
- Fast Weapon Charge
The trainer can be downloaded using the Cheat Evolution app.
- Updated: 29-08-2023
- Game Version: v1.0
Follow the following instructions while downloading to disable the Easy Anticheat (EAC) that is part of the FromSoftware games:
- Download bypass from Github.
- Click on ‘It does the thing.’
- Place the ‘launch_modded_ac6.exe’ in the game folder and launch the game from the exe file.

My Opinions
Game trainers can be of huge help, especially for a game like Armored Core 6. I have found it to be one of the most challenging games of the season. Once you’ve downloaded the trainers, I would recommend the following links to learn more about game mods and builds for Armored Core 6:
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I am an engineering student currently in my final year, with an interest in narrating—story writing through both pictures and articles. I find myself deeply enticed by RPGs and the effort behind making them. My favorites include Assassins’ Creed, Hitman, and everything but stealth action. Feel free to explore my library on Steam: Valkrypton