Rosymorn Monastery is located in Baldurs Gate 3. You can get the Dawnmaster’s Crest in this area by completing the Stained-Glass puzzle. In addition, players can find the Legendary mace Blood of Lathander or steal a Githyanki Egg for Lady Esther’s quest. The Githyanki Creche, located at Rosymorn Monastery, is vital to Lae’zel’s companion quest.
Key Takeaways
- Rosymorn Monastery is found at (X:79 Y:49) coordinates.
- You can solve the Stained Glass Puzzle to get the Dawnmaster’s Crest.
- In addition, players can complete the Statue and Passageway puzzles to get the Blood of Lathander.
- You can also find the Githyanki Creche and complete the Steal the Githyanki Egg quest.
I was able to come across Rosymorn Monastery in the Mountain Pass area. Once you’re in the Mountain Pass, you’ll notice a waypoint named Trielta Crags on your map. The Rosymorn Monastery is directly Northeast of there. Follow the path in that direction, and you’ll find a Cable Car.
- You must pass a Strength check (15 or above) to ride the Cable Car. If you can’t do the strength check, you’ll spot a rough rock that lets you climb down safely from the nearby cliff. I recommend bringing a vital party member here to get in quickly.
- Once you’re down the cliff, jump over the gap to continue. The path ahead takes you directly to Rosymorn Monastery.
- The main door to the Rosymorn Monastery is locked, so you would have to find a different entrance. To enter the Monastery, walk back from the door to the area you watch the Halflings cutscene from.
- Jump down into the trees from the broken railing(X:55 Y:8) and start going around anti-clockwise. This path involves a lot of jumping. Keep moving until you reach the knotted roots. Climb the roots to go up.
- From there, walk right and take a U-turn into the ruins. Jump onto the above floor and keep walking through the ruins until you reach the inside of Rosymorn Monastery (X:94 Y:47). Walk to the room(X:73 Y:65) and enter the singular broken window.
- From there, jump down and unlock the main door(X:79 Y:49) for future use.
Dawnmaster’s Crest

The Dawnmaster’s Crest is a quest item. Its only known benefit is that it can be used to get the Blood of Lathander. It is rewarded upon completing the Stained-Glass Puzzles.
This puzzle was not as tricky once I realized what I should do. The puzzles require you to find and place the Ceremonial Warhammer, Longsword, Mace, and Battleaxe on their respective Altars.
Normal Warhammer, Mace, and Battleaxe will also work. To complete this mission, first, enter the room with the Stained-Glass window(X:73 Y:74). In the room, you will find four altars, and upon one of them, the Longsword will already be placed.
Ceremonial Battleaxe

To get this axe first, return from the stained-glass room and go to your left. You will find an enchanted locked door(X:95 Y:47). It requires a dexterity check of at least 15 to lockpick.
I was already playing as a Rogue, allowing me to bypass this easily. If you aren’t playing as a Rogue, I suggest you bring Astarion for the job.
Upon opening the door, you must defeat the Guardian of Faith in the room. The Guardian of Faith is a divine protector. When dealing with the Guardian of Faith, use ranged attacks. It only goes after characters inside the gold circle on the ground.
So, if you stay outside the circle and shoot it with spells, arrows, or bombs, your whole party will remain safe, and you will trounce him. After defeating it, you can clear the rubble blocking the door and pick up the Battleaxe lying on the floor.
Ceremonial Warhammer

After getting the Battleaxe foremost, exit the room, and on your left, you will find knotted roots(vines) that you can climb. Climb the roots to reach the roof. I first had to kill the Ancient and the Giant Eagle on the top to progress further.
You can attack the eagles or use Animal Handling, which requires a high-difficulty class roll of 18 or higher. I urge you to try to use Animal Handling as your first solution, as the fight here won’t be easy. Once they are defeated, you can find the Warhammer near the Eagle’s Nest.
Ceremonial Mace
After getting the Warhammer, return to the Stained-Glass room and exit using the broken window. Afterward, jump down into the big hole in the ground to reach the lower floor and open the oak door(x:91 y:55). At the end of this room, you will find the Rusty Mace(X:89 Y:32).
All four weapons must be thrown onto their desired altars to complete the puzzle. Each weapon’s respective Altar is as follows;
- Battleaxe: Singular Non-Broken Window Altar
- Warhammer: Double Broken Windows Altar
- Rusty Mace: Singluar Broken Window Altar
- Longsword: Already Placed
After Placing all the above weapons, the Altars will start glowing, and a secret compartment in the Stained-Glass room will be revealed. This compartment will have a pouch containing the Dawnmaster’s Crest.
Completing the puzzle will reward you the Morninglord’s Radiance buff, which increases your weapon’s Radiant damage.
My Experience With The Puzzle
My favorite part of my 20 hours with this game was the freedom I was given in solving any problem. This isn’t any ordinary freedom where the came has two ways you can take. This game did not stop me from trying things that were bonkers.
During my playthrough of Rosymorn Monastery, I could always find a creative solution to most of the puzzles. The spells and abilities made this journey a whole lot easier. Similarly, in the case of Blood of Lathander, the game doesn’t tell you about the consequences of taking the Mace without replacing it with the Dawnmaster’s Crest, which destroys Githyanki Creche.
Now that you are here, why not read:
- Baldurs Gate 3 Best Wizard Subclass.
- Baldurs Gate 3 Best Rogue Multiclass.
- Baldurs Gate 3 Find the Nightsong.
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A gamer through and through, I’ve spent countless hours honing my skills in competitive FPS games like Counter-Strike and Valorant. When I’m not immersed in the high-stakes world of multiplayer shooters, I find solace in the mesmerizing narratives of games like The Last of Us and the Batman Arkham series.
But here’s an interesting twist – I’m not just a gaming enthusiast; I’m also an avid movie buff. Feel free to join me on Steam: Z3US
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