There are four major boss fights in Evil West, and defeating these villains can be problematic, requiring excellent strategy, timely blows, and complete control of your nerves. The Parasiter is the first boss players will face after reaching Chapter 7.
Key Takeaways
- The Parasiter is the first boss, which players fight at the end of Chapter 7.
- The Parasiter can attack players in three ways, featuring two monstrous tentacles and a leech-like head. It can try to crush players using its tentacles by dropping stones from above or by releasing cocoons, which can hatch more small enemies.
- Defeating the Parasiter will require sheer consistency, control of nerves, and a proper strategy. Moreover, players can use certain perks and abilities provided to increase their chances of winning the boss fight.
Additionally, certain perks and abilities prove very helpful in my journey against the Parasiter. I focused on unlocking them before entering the arena of boss fights. To learn more about these perks, refer to our detailed guide on Best Perks in Evil West.
How To Beat The Parasiter
The final boss fight is introduced at the end of Chapter 7 and is played in three different phases. One thing that I want you to note is that there will be no checkpoints available.
Phase 1
- Poisonous tentacles are its primary weapon. One worrying fact about the Parasiter is that it is not vulnerable to any of your attacks. That makes the boss fight even more enjoyable and thrilling.
- There are some weak points on its tentacles. These weak points will be highlighted as yellow circles on the tentacles. Your primary target should be to attack these points using your riffle or any way possible.
- It will limit the tentacles’ movement and their attack as well.

The Parasiter uses his tentacles to attack in two different ways.
- They launch poisonous projectiles at you. Keep moving randomly to avoid being hit and confusing the attacker. Maintain a safe distance from the tentacles because their attack could be lethal.
- When the tentacles move to launch the attack, move fast and quickly fire on the yellow circles. It will make the tentacles fall to the ground.
- The Parasiter can try to hit you with his tentacles directly. It can even try to stab you with its tentacles once or thrice in a row. Use the dodge button to survive these deadly blows.
Once you destroy the tentacles, another weak spot the game hints at is the Parasiter’s mouth. From here on, I highly recommend focusing attacks on that weak point.

Phase 2
- Phase 2 includes the Parasiter hitting the giant tree beside him, resulting in rocks befalling on the ground. Taking hits from these rocks could be fatal for players. Therefore, I maintained a safe distance from these projectiles.
- Red circles on the ground will predict the target of falling rocks.

- The Parasiter will resolve to another deadly attack once you have survived the previous attacks. It will release many cocoons on the ground.
- These cocoons can hatch to release many small enemies that can create lots of trouble for you. Therefore, use a flamethrower to burn these cocoons before they trouble you.
- Burning the cocoons will drop some energy points players can use to restore their health. Meanwhile, the Parasiter will re-grow its tentacles and use them to release more cocoons on the ground.
- The tentacles will bounce back to attack; while doing so, they will also crush down their cocoons. Thus saving you a lot of trouble.

Keep moving randomly and dodging the attacks while striking back hard whenever possible. Following these best Tips and Tricks in Evil West will ensure your survival against the Parasiter.
Phase 3
Things start to get messier in this phase. The Parasiter will start attacking you with all his powers and abilities.
Here, you will deal with the ravaging tentacles launching poisonous projectiles, deadly rocks falling from above, and small enemies exploding from cocoons.

- Maintain calm and strategize your attacks while actively defending yourself by staying on the move. Keep your eyes on the tentacles and open fire whenever you can.
- Simultaneously, avoid stepping on the red circles on the ground to avoid getting hit by the falling rocks. Additionally, use the flamethrower and other essential abilities in Evil West to destroy the cocoons before they start hatching into enemies.

- My primary focus was attacking the weak points on the tentacles. If you consistently attack, the parasiter will finally be dead in no time. Once you have won the fight, a cutscene shows your character burning the Parasiter.

Defeating the Parasiter unlocked the Minor Deity Achievement. Moreover, I also received thirty game scores.
Challenges Faced & Recommendations
In my experience, the Parasiter boss requires focus and strategy to defeat across its three phases. I have found moving randomly, targeting weak points, and using abilities like the flamethrower were helpful for steadily draining his massive health pool.
Read more guides on Evil West: Evil West How To Earn Bucks?
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Ahmed has been a part of the Gamesual team since the start. With hundreds of articles written within a year, Ahmed has helped thousands of game enthusiasts to have a smooth and problem-free gameplay experience with a variety of modern as well as old tomb games. Along with demolishing monstrous enemies in the latest RPG games and writing his problem-solving experiences on Gamesual, Ahmed is an undergraduate student of Journalism. When bored of playing or writing about games, studying, or contemplating his life choices, Ahmed likes to spend some time in the gym or smoking his noob buddies in Chess. You can find Ahmed playing Starfield on Steam: PotatoChips.