Final Fantasy 16: Why Is Clive Called ‘Mythos’?

Learn why Ultima constantly refers to Clive as 'Mythos', and what is the backstory behind it all.

Clive shown with text written Why is Clive called Mythos
Why did Ultima call Clive 'Mythos'? Learn exactly what it means.

Square Enix was successful in creating a game that is story-rich and becomes very complex if you don’t keep your focus. Amongst various things in Final Fantasy 16, some people have wondered why Clive was called ‘Mythos’ on certain occasions. The reason for this is rather complex and would need some background.

But before you proceed, Major Spoilers Ahead!!!

Key Takeaways

  • Clive has been referred to by many names throughout Final Fantasy 16, including “Wyvern,” “Cid the Outlaw,” and now, “Mythos.” To understand what Mythos refers to, we need to explain a bit of backstory.
  • At the beginning of time, Ultima and his peers discovered magic. This inevitably led to their destruction and their search for a new place.
  • They found a new land, pure from all corruption and Blight, Valisthea. However, Blight followed, and they should decide on a new solution.
  • Ultima decided to create a new pure world and get a solid body to wield this power. 
  • The body is strong enough to hold this power, and Eikons’ power is called ‘Mythos.’ To get Mythos, Ultima created mankind and went to slumber to wait.
  • This is when mankind developed their free will, which Ultima calls ‘their biggest sin.’
  • Furthermore, once the gods have identified Mythos as Clive, Ultima reveals his plans to forge a new world. A world without humans because they are not worthy enough.
  • When Clive decides not to let that happen and steps in, Ultima labels him as ‘Logos,’ which is a corrupt version of Mythos that has free will.
  • In addition, this free will gives Clive immense power to defeat Ultima. And then, using his god-like powers, he destroys all Mothercrystals to save humanity.

Ultima’s Backstory

Throughout Final Fantasy 16, Clive has been referred to by many names. However, one name that only Ultima has directly used is ‘Mythos.’ Being Naïve, Clive assumed it was about him being the Dominant. However, as we will further see, that was not the case.

To fully understand the context of ‘Mythos’ in Final Fantasy 16, you need to understand the background of Ultima and certain information revealed towards the end of the story.

Ultima talking about Mythos in final fantasy 16 with captions below
Ultima explaining his plans ~Image captured by Gamesual

As Ultima narrates the story, he says he and his people discovered magic when the world was still young. Ultima refers to this as a ‘miracle,’ highlighting how this was a big deal. However, he later reveals that this was why his people had to flee.

Even though magic seemed terrific at the beginning, it brought with it corruption and Blight. This forced Ultima and his peers to flee and find a new beginning. In search of a land pure of magic and corruption, they stumbled upon Valisthea.

Moreover, he reveals that their fate followed, and they found themselves in a situation. But this time, they devised a new solution to start afresh. For this to unfold successfully, they required two things:

  • A new world to be forged, free from Blight and corruption.
  • A body strong enough to wield that power.
Ultima referring to Clive as mythos in final fantasy 16
Ultima referring to Clive as Mythos ~Image captured by Gamesual.

Ultima Claims that the first issue was resolved when they found Valisthea. However, to solve the second issue, he decided to create mankind. Ultima intended that one day a human will be strong enough to wield the power, and then Ultima could take over that body.

This ‘body’ for which humanity was created is what Ultima refers to as ‘Mythos.’ After Ultima created humans, he went to slumber in wait for the Mythos to emerge. However, this is what he claims was his mistake.

When Clive and Cid defeated Drake’s Head, Ultima woke from sleep. Ultima also influenced King Barnabas and Emperor Oliver into making decisions that would lead to Clive absorbing the power of each Eikon.

Ultima’s Plan

Ultima in Final fantasy 16
Ultima confronting Joshua and Clive ~Image captured by Gamesual

Ultima explains how going into slumber for thousands of years caused an issue for him. Without any guidance, mankind was lost and in distress. During this time, mankind gave birth to its ‘will.’ Ultima explains this as the biggest sin mankind has committed and that they should not forget the sole purpose for which they were created.

Ultima is adamant that the Mythos should serve its purpose and submit himself to Ultima. He also plans to end mankind since it is not worth living in the new world Ultima wishes to create.

This is where Clive disagrees and remains strong that he will not let Ultima go through with his plan. Clive states that Ultima is genuinely to blame for mankind’s will and that he will do anything to stop him. Ultima reassures Clive that his purpose as Mythos is to serve Ultima and that mankind will cease to exist in the new world.

Clive As ‘Mythos’

Clive, 'mythos' and joshua facing Ultima
Clive and Joshua facing Ultima ~Image captured by Gamesual

Initially, Ultima repeatedly referred to Clive as the ‘Mythos’ as the final step towards creating his new world. A body that could wield the power of multiple Eikons and a body without free will. 

However, Clive was not without free will. Instead, thanks to his family and friends, he had an insanely strong will. When Ultima realized this, he labeled Clive as ‘Logos,’ the ‘corrupted’ version of Mythos in Final Fantasy 16. By corrupted, we mean a Mythos that has free will.

Towards the end of the game, Clive affirms his role of Logos and turns out to be quite powerful because of his friends’ immense will and faith. To defeat Ultima and protect humanity, he uses his god-like strength to his advantage. And in the final battle of the game, he successfully defeats Ultima.

Not only that, after killing Ultima, Clive also destroys all the Mothercrystals in hopes of saving humanity. An act that should be enough to kill the caster. But we can’t say for sure if Clive or Joshua has died. 

In the post-credit scene, two brothers play in the forest while helping their mum. This scene assures that humanity was saved from Blight and that magic is indeed finished. We also get to see a book titled ‘Final Fantasy’ by Joshua Rosfield.

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