Orichalcum is one of the crafting materials involved in crafting the most potent weapon in Final Fantasy 16: Götterdämmerung. Here is how you can find it.
Key Takeaways
- The first step to unlock the Götterdämmerung is to complete the Blacksmith Blues side quests to unlock essential items and progress the story.
- You must complete the Under New Management quest to obtain the first Orichalcum to craft Götterdämmerung.
- All you need to do is to hunt down and defeat the Prince of Death to acquire Dark Steel, another material required for Götterdämmerung.
- Next, players must defeat Gobermouch in Eistla to obtain the primitive Battle Horn, a vital component for crafting Götterdämmerung.
- Engage in a tough battle against the Atlas Bounty Target to obtain the second Orichalcum.
- Now, you can use the obtained Orichalcum, Dark Steel, and primitive Battle Horn to craft Götterdämmerung at a blacksmith or crafting station.
All Crafting Elements | How To Obtain it |
Ragnarök | Blacksmith Blues side quests (I, II, III, IV) |
1st Orichalcum | Under New Management I and II |
2nd Orichalcum | Defeating S-class Atlas bounty |
3rd Orichalcum | Defeating Gorgimera |
1st Black steel hunting hunting | Hunting Prince of Death |
2nd Black Steel | Defeat Thanatos |
Primitive Battle Horn | Gobermouch in Eistla |
Remember to prepare your character adequately by leveling up, acquiring necessary skills, and optimizing your equipment. In my experience, each battle in this game required patience, efficient strategies, and remembering the attack patterns to come out on top. Good luck on your journey to obtain Götterdämmerung and overcome the mighty Odin!
To forge the Black Hammer, the crafting items that you require are:
- 3 Orichalcum
- 2 Dark Steels
- 1 Ragnarök
- 1 Primitive Battle of Horn
To unlock Orichalcum and the dark steel to forge the black hammer, you must complete the following quests sequentially.
Steps: | How to proceed |
1st | Complete Blacksmith Blues to Obtain Ragnarok |
2nd | Complete “Under New Management” to obtain 1st Orichalcum |
3rd | Complete S-class Bounty Hunting to obtain 2nd and 3rd Orichalcum |
4th | Defeat Prince of Death to unlock 1st Dark Steel |
5th | Defeat Thanatos in Del Makia to unlock 2nd Dark steel |
6th | Defeat Gobermouch to unlock Primitive Battle horn |
Obtaining Götterdämmerung
To finally get my hands on this weapon, I had to complete the Blacksmith Blues IV side quest.
Blacksmith Blues 1
This mission appeared for me in the game after completing the main quest number 35. After completing the main quest, “Here be Monsters,” after defeating a Griffin, you will find its location on the hunt board.
This quest will appear on the map just after completing the main quest, and the griffin’s location can be just near the nonevent river gate.

Blacksmith Blues 2
Now, the Blacksmith Part 2 side quest will become available once you complete the main mission number 47, “Letting off Steam 3”. To achieve this side quest, you must go to Clive’s table and check the letters he received from there.

I found this quest relatively straightforward to complete, and there will be no pointers. You can follow the quest objectives, and the investigation will be completed quickly.

Blacksmith Blues 3
For the side quest number 3, Blacksmith Blues 3, you must complete the main quest 59, “Like Father, Like Daughter.” Visiting Blackthorne’s old stomping ground in Dravos would be the best way to achieve this quest.

During this sidequest, you will be tasked to get the forges working back, and then, in an accurate Final Fantasy manner, I had to defeat a Salamder in the desert. This would also be very easy to complete; follow the quest objectives to complete the quest.

Blacksmith Blues 4
Players can unlock this quest after completing the main quest number 62, “Across the Narrow.”
To start this quest immediately, you must talk to Blackthorne’s best friend, August. You will return to Dravos, where you will find that it is under attack, and the attackers are an Akashic horde.
The quest objectives will include defending the village, and the boss fight will consist of fighting the Chimera. Hence, I recommend that you take some extra potions before the war.

After completing this quest, you will finally receive the fruit of your completion, Götterdämmerung. Moreover, you will also get Ragnarök.
The Ragnarök will be a potent weapon used as a component for the upgraded version. Aside from Ragnarök being the crafting component, you will also need other components. Firstly, you will need three Orichalcums, two dark steel, and one primitive battle horn.
To obtain the rest of the crafting components, I had to face off with a few notorious Hunt board targets and visit a few mystery locations. After completing these, you can get the rest of the crafting elements.

Under New Management Quest (Orichalcum)
Before coming to these, complete the” Under New Management,” a quest in two parts. Again, from my experience, this quest will be relatively simple. To meet and end this quest, go to the North Reach and talk to Isabella to start the search.
The quest objectives will include settling the issue between the villagers and slaying some fallen thralls. You will get one of the Orichalcum we require by completing these quests. Along with unlocking the Orichalcum, it will open the ability to hunt the Prince of Death.
Hunting Prince Of Death
After unlocking this ability, you must hunt Prince of Death since he will be the key to unlocking the rest of the crafting elements. He will be located in Sambreck within the Royal Meadows.
Note: If you have not completed the previous quests as explained in the guide, you will not be able to see the Prince of Death, and hence, there will be no quest available. If you want to have a thrilling fight with the prince of death, go without accessories, and it will be a good ride.
You will get your first dark steel by defeating this prince of death.
Defeating Thanatos
For the second dark steel, I suggest you travel to Dal Makia, start off the Gilded Path fast travel points, and then find Thanatos on the map. You will have to defeat Thanatos to obtain the second dark steel.
Battle Horn
Now, you must unlock the primitive battle horn by defeating Thanatos after obtaining the dark steel. This will be faster to get as it will be closer to our current location on the map and have quicker travel points.

You will travel to Eistla in the whale and find Gobermouch quite easily after climbing some stairs. You will be fighting a goblin here, and do not get deceived by his size like me, as he has a health bar that would last days.
For the next ones to defeat, you must increase your gaming level as you will be fighting with S-rank bounty targets, which will be difficult to kill.

The first one will be the Cressida in Rosaria. To get there, you will travel fast through the East Pool point. You will have to kill a few before you get there. After defeating it, you will observe a large area with an Atlas bounty Target.
This will reward you with another Orichalcum.

After heading back to Velkroy, our target will be an S-class bounty chimera named Gorgimera. My pro tip for fighting with Gorgimera is to stay close to the target at all times during the fight and apply damage to it before it casts any spells.
After completing all these quests, you will have all the required crafting essentials, so head back to the blacksmiths in the hideaways and then craft the most potent weapon as your first play-through in the game.

The Black Hammer
The black hammer will have a damage of 375, and you will also get a trophy after crafting this weapon.

Crafting element how | How to obtain it |
Ragnarök | Blacksmith Blues side quests (I, II, III, IV) |
1st Orichalcum | Under New Management I and II |
2nd Orichalcum | Defeating S-class Atlas bounty |
3rd Orichalcum | Defeating Gorgimera |
1st Black steel hunting hunting | Hunting Prince of Death |
2nd Black Steel | Defeat Thanatos |
Primitive Battle Horn | Gobermouch in Eistla |
My Thoughts On Orichalcum Farming
The absolute scale of some of the boss fights had me in awe-stricken. However, as the game progressed, these boss fights became more and more challenging. This is when I first realized that having a powerful weapon is almost as crucial as having skill.
Therefore, I recommend players to get their hands on the Götterdämmerung at the first opportunity. Even though it took me a while to complete the Orichalchum side quests, I still found it every bit rewarding to get my hands on such a powerful weapon.
Also, check out some Final Fantasy 16 secrets.
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A gamer through and through, I’ve spent countless hours honing my skills in competitive FPS games like Counter-Strike and Valorant. When I’m not immersed in the high-stakes world of multiplayer shooters, I find solace in the mesmerizing narratives of games like The Last of Us and the Batman Arkham series.
But here’s an interesting twist – I’m not just a gaming enthusiast; I’m also an avid movie buff. Feel free to join me on Steam: Z3US
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