Final Fantasy 16: Secret Ending [Explained]

Let's delve into the exciting world Final Fantasy 16's Ending and players will learn whether that is ending secret or not.

Final Fantasy 16 Secret Ending
Secret Ending of Final Fantasy 16 (Image Credit: Gamesual).

It should be noted that Final Fantasy 16 does not have a Secret Ending. So this could be a spoiler for players who have not reached the end of the game. However, the games’ producers have added Post Credit Scenes instead of the Secret Ending. Moreover, Square Enix crafted a more focused narrative, allowing players to build up a climax at the end of the game.

The underlying context of the FF16 ending represents hope and happiness. However, FF16 does not have a Secret Ending, but it comes with one linear storyline and a preplanned outcome. With that, players will experience a stunning finale with unforgettable moments and surprises that will stay with them long after completing the game.

Spoilers Ahead!

Key Takeaways

  • Final Fantasy 16 does not support any Secret Ending; instead of this, producers have added End Tags.
  • All installments of Final Fantasy 16 have focused and preplanned outcomes.
  • However, the player’s choices will not affect the game’s outcome due to its linear structure.
  • Those End Tags show Jill and Clive’s reunion and the formation of new cities. It also offers a glimpse of a book written by Joshua about his journey toward the Origin.
  • The outcome of Final Fantasy 16 shows the death of God Ultima in the hands of Clive, and he succeeded in saving humanity from Ultima and Bigliht.

In addition, the game has some side quests which will provide some closure to the characters, but the main story remains the same, creating a convincing ending for players. However, all installments of the Final Fantasy series have a linear story structure that cannot be affected by the player’s choices. As a result, the choices that players make throughout the game will have no impact on the game’s outcome.

Therefore FF16 has only one Ending and does not support Secret or Multiple Ending.

End Tags

Square Enix has added End Tags instead of a Secret Ending. Therefore the first Scene after the Final Fantasy 16 ending shows the reunion of Clive and Jill, as they both are the game’s main characters. This scene serves as a moment of celebration for both of them, especially for Jill, who has been constantly praying to the Metia’s Star for Clive’s safe arrival from the expedition.

The epilogue of Final Fantasy 16 shows Clive’s progress in his life and also how his actions have changed Valisthea. Also, it offers a Glimpse of new cities and alliances in the future sequels of this series. Moreover, two children resembling Clive and Joshua, have been shown playing with their dog in the Post Credit Scenes.

End tags.
A book about Final Fantasy written by Joshua Rosefield (Image Credits: IGN).

Moreover, the camera shows a Book about Final Fantasy by Joshua Rosefeild. In that book, Joshua wrote about his journey to the Origin. At the end of the Credit Scenes, players can see all characters gathering in a hideout as they stand united and ready to face new challenges.

Preplanned Outcome

It shows the plan of the God Ultima to create magic. While creating magic, they unravel Bigliht, which corrupts their magic into dark forces. Bigliht spreads around the world, which causes innocent to lose their lives. However, Ultima chooses Clive as Mythos to escape Biglith. So Clive absorbs all Powers of Eikons and becomes Mythos.

But when Clive understands the whole of Ultima to destroy all humanity, he uses his powers of Eikons against Ultima and destroys all Five Mothercrystals. However, Clive fought Ultima by using a three-phase battle system and Provided Ultima with a tremendous amount of damage. Therefore Ultima did not survive the attacks and was killed by Clive. After that, Clive absorbs all the powers of Ultima and becomes Logos.

Clive Rosefeild
Clive fought with the God Ultima to stop his destruction (Image Credits: Gamesual).

That is all from our side on Final Fantasy 16 Secret Ending. However, if you want to read more about this game, we have added below some links to the guides about Final Fantasy 16, which will help you experience better gameplay.

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