In this article, to help the players decide whether they want Quality-based gameplay, Performance-based gameplay, or Balanced gameplay, we have made a list of all the best possible GTA 5 graphics settings. This will help them have the best gaming experience based on Quality/Performance without sacrificing any more frames.
Key Takeaways
- The game developers have given the general system requirements list for their game.
- Players who want to extract most of the FPS from the game can turn down every GPU power-demanding setting in the GTA 5 Graphics Setting menu to Normal.
- If the players want their gameplay experience to lean completely toward the quality and feel the pure essence of the game’s graphics and environment. In that case, the best option for them is to turn every possible graphics setting in the menu to the maximum.
- It is worth considering that there are many people with mid-end systems. These are the people who have systems with medium specs. And can run the game on different combinations of Ultra, Very High, Medium, and Normal graphics settings.
- The most demanding setting in GTA 5 is the Texture Quality. It can reduce the FPS by several 8-10 frames. So, keep it as low as possible for smoother gameplay.
- Settings like Texture Quality, Reflection MSAA, and Anisotropic filtering can greatly improve the overall graphic quality of the game.
- If the players want a balanced gameplay that is not too harsh on the FPS but also gives them good quality, they can be creative by combining different graphics settings to get their desired results.
First, let us discuss the Minimum and Maximum system requirements for GTA 5 mentioned by Rockstar Games.
GTA V System Requirements
As the players can see that even though the game is demanding and it requires a quad-core or octa-core CPU and a 2 GB graphics card if you want to play it on maximum settings, It is still a well-optimized game, and it can also run on a dual-core CPU and 1 GB graphics card on minimum settings.

Graphics Settings For Minimum System Requirements
To have the best performance, the best GTA 5 Graphics Settings are discussed below:
If players want to extract most of the FPS from the game, they can turn down every GPU power-demanding setting in the GTA 5 Graphics Setting menu to Normal.
This includes:
- Resolution- 720p
- Texture Quality- Turned to Normal
- Shader Quality- Turned to Normal
- Shadow Quality– Turned to Normal
- Reflection Quality – Turned to Normal ( Reflection MSAA )
- Water Quality- Turned to Normal
- Post FX – Turned to Normal ( Motion Blur )
- Ambien Occlusion- Turned to Normal
Although the graphics settings mentioned above are the most hardware demanding, like Texture Quality, Shadow Quality, and Reflection MSAA, which eats a lot of your video memory, but, still, many other minor graphics settings don’t have much but still have some impact (Few Frames Per Second) on the gameplay/performance of the game and, ultimately player’s experience.
And, of course, if players are trying to milk most of the frames, then every bit counts. Therefore, simply turn down most of the graphics settings to Normal.

Graphics Settings For Recommended System Requirements
To have the best quality, the best GTA 5 Graphics Settings are discussed below:
If the players want their gameplay experience to be leaning completely toward the quality and they want to feel the pure essence of the graphics and environment the game has to offer, then the best option for them is to turn every possible graphics setting in the menu to the maximum, which in case of Grand Theft Auto 5 is Very High for some setting and Ultra for some other settings.
Following are some of the best graphics settings for best quality:
- Resolution- 1080p, 1440p, and 4k
- Texture Quality- Turned to Very High
- Shader Quality- Turned to Very High
- Reflection Quality- Turned to Very High ( Reflection MSAA TO x8 )
- Shadow Quality- Turned to Very High
- Post FX- Turned to Very High ( Motion Blur Strength to maximum )
- Anisotropic Filtering- Turned to a maximum of x16
- Ambient Occlusion- Turned to High
The above-mentioned settings will give players the most of the realism the game offers in terms of quality. But remember that these quality gains come at a cost. To experience the best quality gameplay, the players must pay a huge frame cost per second.
Your game might look stunning on one end, but it can start to lag and ultimately ruin the gaming experience for the players if they don’t have the required resources in their PCs.

Balanced Graphics Settings
Although, As mentioned above, GTA 5 is a hardware-demanding game, it is a treat for the players because it is very well-optimized and well-designed. Rockstar Games did a fantastic job optimizing their game for lower-end PCs and old-generation consoles, including PS3 and Xbox 360. So, no one could be left behind to crave the gameplay experience offered by their game.
As discussed earlier, we were only considering the peak and bottom hardware. But, it is worth considering that many people have mid-range systems. For that instance, these settings are ideal for players with medium system requirements. Plus, it can run the game on different Ultra, Very High, Medium, and Normal graphics settings combinations.
Players can hover between the following graphics settings for a balanced gaming experience:
- Resolution- 1080p and 1440p
- Texture Quality- Turned to High or Normal ( Depending on your available Video Memory )
- Shader Quality- Turned to Very High
- Shadow Quality- Turned to Normal High
- Reflection Quality- Turned to Normal or High
- Water Quality- Turned to Very High
- Particle Quality- Turned to Normal or High
- Grass Quality- Turned to Normal
- Post FX- Turned to Normal ( will turn motion blur off )
- Anisotropic Filtering– Turned to x2 or x4
The above settings are the perfect example of many balanced quality-to-performance combinations the players can make according to their needs.
Texture Quality can be high or normal; it all depends upon the amount of video memory you have. Like the Texture Quality, the resolution also needs video memory. So, if you want a resolution of 1080p or higher, you should have at least 2 GB of Video Memory available in your GPU.
Similarly, shadow and reflection quality also require video memory, but not until you set them high or very high. Settings similar to Water Quality, Particle Quality, Grass Quality, Post FX, and Anisotropic Filtering can improve the overall appeal of the environment, improving the graphics.

Ultimately, even after all these years, GTA 5 is still a demanding game. It was far ahead of its time, and it is well-known that it still has one of the best in-game graphics in any video game. We have made this graphics setting guide for the players to play and enjoy the game with whatever hardware they have.
If this guide helps you, please also check our other guides for GTA 5.
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I’ve been gaming since I got my PlayStation 2 back in 2008, playing all types of games from WWE, all to way to Naruto, you name it. When I’m not gaming, I’m either focusing on my Electrical Engineering degree or playing football. I absolutely LOVE multiplayer games; carrying my team is pretty fun 😉
Steam: Braindead