GTA V: All Knife Flight Locations

Explore the GTA V knife flight locations with our guide and become a flying champion.

GTA V Knife Flight Locations
GTA V Knife Flight Locations

There are 15 knife flight locations available for completion. The accomplishment “Career Criminal” and the “100% Game-Completion” trophy can be obtained by completing just 8. The trophy/achievement “Close Shave” demands completing all 15 of them and all 50 Under the Bridges. 

To get started, Grand Senora Desert is the best place to look for an airplane for this challenge. Airports are conveniently reachable, and at least one aircraft is always available. Trevor is frequently employed for knife flights due to their superior flying skills and craft control. All characters can fly, so how the player controls it is important. 

Key Highlights

  • To accomplish challenges more quickly, it is advised that you choose a high-performance aircraft with good speed and maneuverability, such as the Mallard or the Besra.
  • Knife flights require the player to fly an aircraft over a set of markers typically shaped like knives.
  • There are 15 Knife Flight destinations dispersed around Los Santos and Blaine Country.
  • Each GTA V knife flight location has a particular route that you must follow, and to achieve 100% completion of the game, you must complete all 15 knife flights.
  • In some GTA V knife flight locations, you could have to fly through narrow spaces between buildings or under bridges. While in other places, you could have to fly through a series of loops or corkscrews.
  • Knife Flights can be challenging to complete, but they are an excellent opportunity to advance in the game’s flying mechanics and get additional money and RP.
  • You can use the map and GPS in the game to navigate the checkpoints and take the right route to each knife flight site.
  • To successfully do a knife flight, you must be able to fly your airplane with excellent control at low altitudes and in tight spaces.

Knife Flight 1

Location: West Vinewood

I found the first location between the Eclipse Towers and a Schlongberg Sachs structure. It is located in West Vinewood, just north of Los Santos, with a narrow gap that players must fly through. From there, the course leads players through tight turns, under bridges, and through narrow passages, each requiring precise timing and control.

GTA V knife flight location
west vinewood

Knife Flight 2

Location: West Vinewood

This is situated on the south side of the intersection of the Schlongberg Sachs and neighboring buildings. It is the second knife flight around the Scholonberg building. You may approach from the west or east again; the gap is comparable to the first knife flight.

The second location of the knife flight challenge starts with a steep dive toward the first checkpoint, which is between two skyscrapers. To complete the challenge, I had to go between the two buildings at a very high speed and avoid any collisions. 

GTA V knife flight location
west vinewood

Knife Flight 3

Location: Downtown Vinewood

For our third location, we had to travel to the Vinewood video store and Whirligig theatre. Downtown Vinewood can be visited by following the northeastern part of your map. It is bounded by the countryside to the north. 

GTA V knife flight location
Downtown Vinewood

Knife Flight 4

Location: Hawick

Hawick is located between the Vinewood Garden and Galileo Mansion. It is popular because of its high-end fashion and many luxury boutiques and businesses in the area. The area is also noted for its luxurious houses and flats, which include modern architecture and high-end facilities.

The buildings in this location are beautiful and ornate in the game, with many showcasing exquisite features and eye-catching designs. It is also a densely populated location.

GTA V knife flight location

Knife Flight 5

Location: Pillbox Hill

Pillbox Hill is located between the IAA and the FIB Headquarters. The location provides breathtaking views of the Los Santos skyline and adjacent surroundings. The Pillbox Hill knife flight challenge took me to the Pillbox Hill Medical Facility.

This helipad gives players an excellent view of the surrounding region and lets them quickly take off and land. Overall, the knife flight challenge site at Pillbox Hill is a thrilling and aesthetically stunning experience.

GTA V knife flight location
Pillbox hill

Knife Flight 6

Location: Pillbox Hill

This location is between the quick house and an adjacent building to the east. The Pillbox Hill area is home to some of the tallest buildings in Los Santos, which players must navigate through and around during the knife flight challenge. The narrow passages between buildings create a high-intensity flying experience that demands precision and skill.

GTA V knife flight location
Pillbox hill

Knife Flight 7 & 8

Location: Pillbox Hill

I recommend tackling Knife Flights 7 and 8 simultaneously, as they are adjacent and between the same collection of buildings. Knife Flight 7 is between the Slaughter and Slaughter & Slaughter offices and the Schlongberg Sachs Centre. The other spot is about halfway between Quik House and Slaughter, Slaughter & Slaughter’s headquarters.

The starting point of the challenge is located on top of a building, providing a breathtaking view of the city and adding to the overall experience. It is a must-play location for players looking for a high-intensity flying experience in the game.

GTA V knife flight location
Pillbox hill

Knife Flight 9

Location: Pillbox Hill

Pillbox Hill is part of the Schlongberg Sachs Center. It is well known for its high-rise buildings and financial institutions. Pillbox Hill is centrally positioned in Los Santos, making it easily accessible from other areas of the town.

Because of its central position, it is also a popular site for gamers looking to complete numerous challenges and missions. The streets surrounding Pillbox Hill are constantly congested, giving the knife-flying task an extra layer of complexity.

GTA V knife flight location
Pillbox hill

Knife Flight 10

Location: Little Seoul

Little Seoul is the tenth location on San Andreas Avenue between the two Lombank buildings. It includes the tallest buildings in Los Santos. Moreover, this location is famous for its nightlife, with several pubs and nightclubs that stay open late at night.

GTA V knife flight location
Little Seoul

Knife Flight 11

Location: Rockford Hill

The location may be close to a Fleeca bank through the street that joins Boulevard Del Perro. Rockford Hills is known for its luxurious mansions, high-end stores, and beautiful city views. There are also several high-end businesses in the region, such as Ponsonby and Michael’s tailor shop, where players may buy pricey clothing and other items for their characters.

Ultimately, the Knife Flight location in Rockford Hills is a fun and demanding activity for gamers to enjoy while playing GTA V. It demands talent, precision, and attention.

GTA V knife flight location
Rockford hill

Knife Flights 12 & 13

Location: Del Perro

The 12th and 13th Knife Flights are in the same area of Del Perro, so I have placed them together on the list. The Twelfth Flight is located between the Bluff Tower and Del Perro Heights. It has a reputation for having beautiful beaches, high-end shopping, and tourist attractions. In addition, the area also features several residential communities, including Del Perro Heights.

The second knife flight in Del Perro is situated between Lombank West and the Von Crastenburg Hotel branch. This is a popular tourist and local destination. 

GTA V knife flight location
Del Perro

Knife Flight 14

Location: Pacific Bluff

Pacific Bluff is a location that is located in the southern part of Los Santos, the game’s fictional city. It is primarily a residential area, with numerous luxury residences and mansions overlooking the ocean. The area is built on hilly land with steep roads and cliffs.

GTA V knife flight location
Pacific Bluff

Knife Flight 15

Location: Rockford Hills

This is situated between the Richards Majestic and the Weazel Plaza. This place is famous for its wide, tree-lined streets, ideal for cruising in a luxury car or motorcycle. It requires skill, accuracy, and focus. Additionally, completing the activity could satisfy players looking for a pleasant burst of adrenaline. 

GTA V knife flight location
Rockford hill

My Recommendation

During my playthrough, conquering GTA V’s Knife Flights was a thrilling break from street missions. Tackling these challenges is not only exciting but also immensely satisfying. It’s a badge of honor, showcasing dedication and mastery of the game’s mechanics. Every player should try it – an exhilarating journey through the skies awaits!

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