With plenty of ideas available in a massive sandbox experience, most players prefer different statues to show off their creativity. Building statues is a good idea but requires good thinking and creativity to nail in the gameplay. This guide will teach you how to build a statue in minecraft.
Key Takeaways
- Even if you are good with your craft, there might be issues with running low on resources or simply not getting the structure right on the first try.
- Due to the accessibility of various items in Minecraft, it is possible to build everything you imagine. Explicitly, this can be something from the game itself or any fantasy structures you imagine.
- You can build statues of mobs, items, or the components of the environment, such as trees. On the contrary, it will also be a flawless idea to carve something on the hills or mountainsides of the map.
- A fantasy world structure, such as dragons and magical towers, can be surprisingly admirable for those whose craft is above the top-notch level.
Mob Statues
The best trait in building the statues of these creatures is that anyone, even a new player, can easily make them. It is because the pixelated textures of these creatures help better understand where to put a particular block to get accurate results.

Explicitly, an Enderman statue will comprise any black-color block (Concrete or Obsidian) that players can place at a specific height. The Body, Legs, and Arms can use one block atop each other to fulfill the basic requirement. It is ideal to use a 3×3 block pattern for the head.
Follow this guide I found on Zyyshan’s YouTube channel and look at his creative mob statues ideas.
Hollow Knight Statue
Minecraft’s creative environment welcomes a diverse audience from other fanbases. Surely, some would love to hone their skills to reflect their interest in other games. Hollow Knight is a simple-to-build statue and is quite famous in this example—a protagonist from the famous and beloved Metroidvania game.
To build a hollow knight status, you will need to acquire these blocks:
- Smooth Quartz
- Gray Wool
- Black Concrete

The Smooth Quartz blocks will help in shaping the head of Hollow Knight. It is because the color compliments the features of his head quite well. As for the body, Black Concrete will be most helpful in attaining accurate results.
I think the Gray Wool will perfectly fit the clock it wears. This is one of my personal favorites, having played Hollow Knight myself.
Follow this video I found on BitGardener YouTube channel to put more details on your hollow knight statue.
Pickaxe Statue
A statue idea for those of you who want to learn and get skillful at crafting. Players who put much effort into building unique and enormous structures should probably have a statue like this. Explicitly, a Pickaxe statue would reflect your interest in the arts of craftsmanship.

Follow this video on Pozzy’s YouTube channel for a more in-depth look at the status framework.
Sword Statue
People would love to glamour a sword statue in their world to captivate players interested in slaying other players or mobs. Moreover, an enormous sword statue in the middle of the land would be admirable, in my opinion.

For a more in-depth look at the sword and how it’s made, you can head over to LennyRandom’s YouTube channel, where he details how to build this amazing sword statue.
Clock Tower
A clock tower will be challenging as many curves and edges need a sharp turn. But, a better grip on creating complex structures will not stop you from creating a marvelous, admirable statue among all your crafts.

You should know there will be no restriction on using a specific block to build a statue, such as a clock tower in Minecraft. It is because its beautification depends on your perspective.
Much in-depth clock tower creation guide is done by Minecraft Fantasy Builds. Check out the video on building an astonishing-looking and detailed statue in Minecraft. This is by far one of my favorite builds in the game.
Dragon Skull – Nether Portal
The Nether World is truly a terrifying place to experience in Minecraft, especially with the new updates. However, its entrance does not hold any grim sentiments about it. Instead, it looks pretty pale and not much appealing.

To resolve this conflict of a dull impression of the Nether portal, you can try to maintain a ghastly-looking entrance for this dimension. Simply create a Nether portal and build a dragon’s skull around it.
Indeed, building such a complicated structure will not be a walk in the park. You can follow a video on MegRae YouTube channel where she details how to make this grotesque-looking statue for the Nether portal.
Jade Dragon Statue
A dragon seems like a much more complex art to create. If you want to decorate your Minecraft world with such a complex structure, then it will be best to try a Jade Dragon.

However, if you’re new to the game and want a statue like this, you can follow this video I found on the MoreTrixyBlox YouTube channel, which will help you build a more exquisite Jade Dragon.
Wizard Tower
Wizard Tower seems to be a remarkable idea. As for a Minecraft player, it will be a symbolic place to store your enchanted items, weapons, and books.

I highly recommend prioritizing making this structure in creative mode. This is because there will be a requirement of lots of resources to build this unique statue.
I found this amazing build on DiddiHD YouTube channel.
Legacy Of Light
I chose this build to let you know that the only limit is your imagination. The Legacy of Light is a tall tower with an aura of arcane resemblance.

One of the most mind-boggling ideas for a statue is the Legacy of Light by LighterAura. This structure is worth considering as a monument in your pixelated world.
Roman Soldier Statue
A gigantic soldier statue to match your courage and determination on the field of battle. If you are skilled enough to succeed in every statute mentioned above, this Roman soldier will be quite easy to build.

To attain the best-looking Roman attire, use Gold blocks and Red Wool. Gold blocks will suit best in place of the armor, helmet, and shield. The clothing area is best covered with the help of the Red Wool. This combination of colors will help achieve the classified look of a Roman soldier.
I found this build on Trydar YouTube channel, which will help you in every way to build a Roman statue.
My Take On Best Statue
I enjoyed making these statues in my own world. It shows how the Minecraft community has some of the most notable builders that can build such large-scale statues. And the different designs and creativity on these statues are astonishing.
I highly recommend building a Mob statue or even a Wizard tower, which will help you pave the way for more unique statues so you can also become a part of the breathtaking creative community.
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I’ve been gaming since I got my PlayStation 2 back in 2008, playing all types of games from WWE, all to way to Naruto, you name it. When I’m not gaming, I’m either focusing on my Electrical Engineering degree or playing football. I absolutely LOVE multiplayer games; carrying my team is pretty fun 😉
Steam: Braindead