GTA 5: How To Change Skin Color?

GTA 5 allows you to completely customize your character's physical appearance. So here is a guide on how to change skin color in GTA 5

How to change skin color in GTA 5
How to change skin color in GTA 5

Changing your character’s skin color is not tricky in GTA 5 if you have a lot of money. The standard way to change your character’s skin color costs you $100,000 in the game. The usual way is to access the Appearance menu from the Interaction menu.

Key Takeaways

  • Players can access all these customization options by accessing their Interaction Menu in the game. It presents players with many features, including the option to change the style and appearance of their character.
  • However, it is not free of cost, and players will have to pay $100,000 to apply desired changes to their characters. Fortunately, this hefty sum will only be deducted from your account once you deliberately select and save all the changes.
  • There are many illegal ways to change your character’s skin color in GTA 5. Most of these are harmless and include abusing glitches.

Appearnace menu in GTA 5
Appearance Menu in GTA 5

Interaction Menu Method

To change your skin’s color in GTA 5 using the interaction menu, we recommend you follow these steps:

  • While in the game, go to the “Interaction Menu.”
  • In the Interaction Menu, go to the “Style” section
  • In the Style menu, choose the “Change Appearance” option
Change Appearance gta 5
Change Appearance Option in Style Menu
  • You will move to the Character Creator menu
  • Moreover, in the Character Creator, go to the “Heritage” option
Heritage Menu in GTA 5
Heritage Menu in GTA 5
  • This “Heritage” allows you to choose from several male and female characters as your mother and father. These characters are of various races and ethnicities. We were even more surprised to learn that the parent’s race and ethnicity will affect how players will look and change their skin color. If you select a black man and woman as your parents, your character will also have a dark complexion.
  • Moreover, a slider bar allows you to select whether you want to look more like your father or mother.
  • Furthermore, another slider bar allows you to select your Skin
Appearance Main Menu gta 5
Appearance Main Menu
  • After choosing your desired look for your character, select “Save & Continue.”
  • The game will start with the character having your desired look.

Note: To change your appearance using this interaction menu method, you have to pay a hefty amount of $100,000, so we suggest you have your pockets full before attempting to change your character’s appearance.

You can get all the options to change the skin color as well as the appearance of your character through the interaction menu in GTA 5. Here are different methods to access the interaction menu on various consoles. Depending on your console, use the following keys to access the interaction menu in GTA 5:

  • You can press the ‘M‘ button on a PC to open the interaction menu.
  • If you are playing GTA 5 on Playstation 4 or 5, holding the touchpad on your console will open the interaction menu for you.
  • Xbox 360 and Xbox One users can press and hold the View button on their console to open the interaction menu while in GTA 5.

Change Character Appearance For Free

Changing the character’s skin color by the abovementioned method will undoubtedly be heavy on your pocket as it costs $100,000. If you are an ardent GTA player, you know that getting this kind of money in GTA 5 is not easy. Even if I had $100,000, I would be hesitant to spend this much to change a character’s skin color.

But the game has a glitch that allows you to change your character’s appearance and skin color without spending a single penny.

To customize your character’s skin color free of cost, we recommend you follow these simple steps.

  • While in the game, open the Pause Menu
  • In the pause menu, go to the Online section
  • From the “Online” menu, select the “Swap Character” option
Swap Character option in Pause Menu
Swap Character option in Pause Menu
  • You will see a warning message. Ignore it and proceed
  • The character customization menu will open
  • Choose the character you want to customize
Character Selection for Customization how to change skin color in gta 5
Character Selection for Customization
  • A prompt asks if you want to customize your character’s appearance. Proceed from here.
  • Minimize the game and disconnect the internet.
  • Now, go back to the game and see this warning message.
No internet warning how to change skin color in gta 5
No internet warning
  • Reconnect the internet, and when the game starts, go to the Pause menu.
  • Furthermore, in the Pause menu, go to the Online section and select Choose Character option.
Choose Character Option in Pause Menu how to change skin color in gta 5
Choose Character Option in Pause Menu
  • The character customization option will open, where you will choose the character to customize.
  • Now you can customize your character and change the character’s skin color without spending money.
  • Finally, after this menu opens, adopt the same method to change the skin color as explained in the previous section.
Character Customization Menu how to change skin color in gta 5
Character Customization Menu

Note: This is a glitch in the game that can allow you to do your character customization without having to spend even a single penny in the game. So we cannot guarantee that this method is always going to work. But as long as it is working, Enjoy!

Moreover, while discussing customizing our character’s appearance, you may know that we can also change our character’s costumes any way we want. If you want to check out some fantastic costumes for your character, here is a list of the Best Halloween Costumes in GTA 5.

Now, $100,000 is quite some money, especially if you only want to change your character’s skin color in GTA 5. However, what if you want to explore the various customization options for your character as presented in the game? Luckily, GTA 5 does not charge $100,000 immediately after accessing the “Change Appearance Menu.”

You can go around exploring all the options, and if you find anything interesting and worth spending your money on, you can then decide to pay for it. Make sure you choose many customizations at a time if you have decided to pay for them.

how to change skin color in GTA 5
No money will be deducted if you don’t save changes.

Similarly, what happens if you select all the customizations and forget to save the changes? Will the game deduct any money? The answer is NO. GTA 5 will only deduct your money if the game saves and applies all the changes. Therefore, you can comfortably test different skin colors on your character and save changes later to pay for it in GTA 5.

Note: You can only change the appearance of your character and not its gender in GTA 5.

You can find many options to revamp your appearance in the styles menu. Skin color and heritage should not be the only thing that you change in GTA 5. After selecting your desired skin color, we recommend changing your character’s dress first. Here are a few locations from where you can get the best clothes for your character:

  • Starting from the head, you can buy your character amazing masks from the Vespucci Movie Masks and Memorabilia store located on the sidewalk of Vespucci Beach in Los Santos’ Vitus Street.
  • You can go to Rockford Hills in GTA 5 to visit Ponsonby’s store and get high-class clothes for your character. 
  • Players can also get some amazing clothes in return for the chips in Diamond Casino Resorts in the game.

Many other stores allow you to change your dress to suit your skin color in GTA 5. Make sure to fill your pockets with lots of money before visiting these stores. We recommend completing heist missions in GTA 5 to get lots of rewards. 

My Recommendation

GTA 5 has one of my favorite character creators in any of the GTA games. Changing your skin color is an available option to players, still, it will cost you some serious money. Moreover, I also found a method to change skin color using a glitch in the game. However, I should remind you that this method may only be available temporarily depending on when the glitch is fixed.

Therefore, I suggest you get ready to spend some hard-earned money if you want to change your skin color in GTA 5. We hope this has been helpful to you.

What do you think about our guide? Do let us know in the comments below.

Along with customizing your game characters, we have you covered if you are also interested in customizing your vehicles. Because we have some of the best customizations for the most fantastic cars in GTA 5. Here is a guide on the GTA 5 Best Customization For Ocelot Pariah, one of the best cars featured in the game.

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