People who say money doesn’t buy happiness haven’t played GTA 5 Online yet. With tons of items like supercars, jets, mansions, and business opportunities available in GTA Online, you might need a considerable sum of money to afford all the luxuries.
Do you want to buy fancy sports cars, ride in private jets, and cruise on expensive and fancy yachts? Have you wished to own the most luxurious and dripped-out clothes? Do you want to be a formidable force in GTA 5 Online and own the most dangerous criminal business in Los Santos? Well, to fulfill all these desires, you will need money and lots of it.
If you want to get money fast in GTA 5 Online, then you’re at the right place. This article covers 11 ways to earn quick money quickly in GTA 5 Online. We discuss the easiest and most effective ways to get rich in GTA 5 Online with the least effort and time required.
We shall start with the ones beginners can do, and then we will continue into ways that require some initial investment. These investments can be generated through the methods we will discuss.
Key Points
- Numerous money-making methods require an initial investment, and some don’t.
- Some methods may be more enjoyable than others in the game but also have fewer payouts.
- Playing with a partner will make some of the methods easier for you.
- Everyone has their preference for making money fast, so it boils down to your personal preference while playing the game.
Fastest Ways To Get Money In GTA 5 Online
Convenience Stores
Robbing convenience stores don’t give you the biggest payout in GTA Online, but it is very beneficial for new players who don’t have any cash on them. It’s a quick way to get some money and pays anywhere from $1000 to $2000 per convenience store.

Have a getaway vehicle parked outside the convenience store and then go into the store. You will then pull out a gun and aim it at the cashier. This will initiate the robbery, and now NPC will start pulling out the cash from the cash register and putting it into a bag.
You will have to kill him to steal the money if he pulls out a gun. Otherwise, you can speed up the robbery by shooting at stuff behind to intimidate your presence.
Once you are done with the armed robbery, run out of the store and hop into your getaway vehicle. The cops will be on you, and you will have to lose the cops. Once that’s done, you will have an extra $1000-$2000 in your possession.
An extra tip in this money-making method is to have a helicopter as a getaway vehicle. This will allow you to go from one store to another very quickly. It is imperative to perform this activity with a co-op partner as they can help you with a getaway vehicle. It will make robbing convenience stores much easier and more fun.
Spinning The Wheel
This is another method to get money fast in GTA 5 Online, and it isn’t a lot of effort. Go to The Diamond Casino and Resort, which is shown in this part of the map.

After reaching you will have to buy a casino membership for $500. This is an excellent investment because this will give you access to spinning the lucky wheel. Moreover, spinning the wheel can provide you with anything from $2500 to a brand-new vehicle worth a lot of money.

Navigate your way to the wheel after you are inside the casino lobby and spin the wheel. This can also award you chips, which you can later trade with real game money. You can only spin the wheel once every 24 hours; it is worth returning to every day.
Talking about the spinning wheel, you may also qualify for a mystery prize in GTA Online if you are lucky. If you want to know more about it, you can read our how to claim mystery prize GTA 5 guide.
Selling Cars
Selling cars is one of the easiest and fastest ways to make quick cash in GTA 5 Online. You can sell a vehicle at Los Santos customs and earn a quick $9000-$10,000 or even more, depending on which car you bring in.
Go to the main road near Los Santos customs and hijack any high-end car that you can find. But be sure it isn’t too high-end like a sports car, because it won’t be accepted. The best cars to look out for would be the Sentinel, Dubsta, Modded Sandking, and Baller. After you get a hold of the car you want to sell, bring it into customs.
Navigate your way to this option.

And click “Sell Vehicle,” and it will show you the money you will receive by selling this vehicle. This is a fantastic method to get easy and fast cash, and the only downside is that it has a cooldown timer. You can sell a car every 48 minutes, but if you are consistent with this method, it will make you a lot of money for minimal effort.
Double Money Jobs
This method can be considered the most consistent and reliable method of making money. Jobs can earn you massive amounts of money while playing mini-games and having fun with your friends.
There are a variety of jobs that you can do, including races, deathmatches, or survival challenges. Doing these jobs with a friend or a group of friends is recommended because it will be much more enjoyable and earning money will feel like a bonus.

Developers of the game put weekly bonuses and double money on these jobs. There are also triple-money jobs, so you must keep an eye out for which jobs are paying more this week.
To find these jobs, press “pause,” go into the “Online” tab, go into “jobs,” press “play jobs,” navigate to “Rockstar created,” then see through the jobs shown and see whichever ones have double or triple money.

These jobs pay better if you perform better, and you can easily earn half a million if you play these for an hour or two. Moroever, these jobs are delightful if you play these with your friends, and the variety of jobs GTA 5 offers will not bore you in the slightest. You can also track the jobs with higher payouts by visiting the Rockstar Games Newswire, which is updated weekly.
If you cannot find a group of friends to grind these jobs with, try to find a lobby that includes a group of players willing to join specific missions. Or you could join relevant discord groups, which include other players who have the same interests as yours.
Special Vehicles And Cargo Missions
To undertake a Special Cargo job, you need to be a CEO, own an office, and have a warehouse in GTA 5 Online. This is one of those money-making methods which require an initial investment. At the same time, they prove to be worth the investment to allow players to earn around $300,000 per hour by selling cargo.
Firstly, you would want to go and buy a warehouse. If you are a beginner, the cheapest and best option would be the Convenience Store lockup for $250,000. The picture shows the location of this warehouse.

Then you’re going to navigate to this screen and buy a cargo. Remember, the more expensive the cargo you purchase, the better the return rate will be.

Go to the area where this cargo is located and then search the crate’s premises. After finding the crate, you must deliver it back to the warehouse. Now that the shipment is delivered, you can either fill up your warehouse or sell the items from the shipment. This is an amazing method to stack up money and cash out whenever you need it.
Apart from this mission, check out The 6 Best Missions in GTA 5 Online.
Mug Other Players
This money-making method isn’t the most reliable, but it may work out in your favor several times. It depends on other players being careless and carrying a large amount of cash in their wallets. It only costs 1000 dollars to do, making it worth a try.
After you reach level 50, you will unlock the ability to mug other players. This can be achieved by pulling out the phone and calling Lamar. Press the option “Call Mugger” and choose the target.

Doing this, a random NPC will be assigned to kill the target. It may not work if the target is out of reach of the mugger, for example, if the target is in mid-air. If this is the case, the money will be refunded by Lamar.
Time Trials
This is by far the fastest way to get money in GTA 5 Online. This may be your cup of tea if you are good with driving vehicles. Even if you are not that good at it, there are little tips that you could use to beat the highly rewarding time trials in GTA 5 Online.
There are weekly time trials that pay three times more and can amount to $300,000 for doing a time trial almost 4-5 minutes long. You might want to get a fast sports car or a bike for this time trial. For that instance, you can check out our fastest motorcycle in GTA 5 guide to easily decide and complete the most rewarding time trials.
If you are a beginner who does not have that much cash, getting a relatively cheaper motorcycle and upgrading it would be a good option. But I would recommend buying a lavish best supercar for stunt races GTA V because it is a great investment and will help you in other missions and jobs.

You would want to start the time trial, then visit the map and set the waypoint to the destination. After the waypoint is set, go ahead and cancel the time trial. Then position yourself in the right direction and start the time trial again. This will give you a head start in the direction you want to go and won’t confuse you on which path to take.
Treasure Hunts
In treasure hunts, you must travel across the map, search for clues, and complete different objectives.

They are a one-time thing and have a payout of $250,000, which is fantastic for early players. There are three perfect and easy treasure hunts in the game, which will each pay you a quarter of a million dollars.
They are the three treasure hunts you must complete include, The Double Action Revolver, The Navy Revolver, and The Stone Hatchet. All of these have the same concept. You must travel around the map and find collectibles or do different tasks. After doing this, you will collect a weapon from a specific location on the map.
Once the treasure is obtained, you must now achieve a certain number of kills with the weapon. You just have to claim 25 to 50 kills, and once you are done with that, you will have an extra $250,000 under your name.

Players can also pursue bounties in GTA 5 Online. These bounties can be set on real players in the game by other real players or by NPCs when you hijack a car from them. Somebody may have called Lester and put a bounty on someone for any reason or no reason at all. But all we are inclined to do is kill that person and receive our money.
Killing bounties can get anywhere from $1,000 to $9,000 per bounty. But it would be best if you acted quickly because other players in the session may also try to hunt down the player who has a bounty on him. This is another excellent way to get money fast in GTA 5 Online.
If you have a couple of friends, and one of them can start a heist, then this is hands down the best method for earning fast money in GTA 5 Online. The total payout for heists can range from a couple of hundred thousand dollars to a couple of million dollars, making this the best and fastest way of earning money in the game.
Two heists pay the best: Cayo Perico Heist and Diamond Casino Heist. The best way to take part in this heist is to try to join the theft hosted either by a random player or your friend. Open your phone and navigate to Quick Jobs. After that, press Heists and choose the Diamond Casino Heist or Cayo Perico Heist.

It may take some time because other players may be reluctant to let you join in on their heists. If some host does allow you to be a crew member, then you’re on your way to making big money.
On the other hand, if you wish to host a heist and don’t have any friends to do it with, then you can try the Cayo Perico Heist. It can be done solo, and its payout will increase anywhere from $1,000,000 to $4,000,000.

Heists with a couple of friends are hands down the most enjoyable and fastest way to make money in GTA 5 Online.
Closing Remarks
There are other ways of making money, such as VIP Jobs, Import/Export, Races, and many more. But the money-making methods discussed above are far more profitable and can be done way quicker. VIP jobs take a lot of time and they also require a considerable amount of initial investement.
However, the methods mentioned above do not require heavy initial investments and are the quickest methods to earn money in GTA 5 Online.
Don’t forget to have fun and enjoy yourself. Choose wisely if it’s a trade between enjoyable money-making and high-paying methods because this game is about having fun and connecting with friends.
In addition, we have also covered more articles about GTA 5, such as How to Rank Up Fast. In GTA Online. Be sure to read more about it to make your GTA 5 experience better.
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I’ve been gaming since I got my PlayStation 2 back in 2008, playing all types of games from WWE, all to way to Naruto, you name it. When I’m not gaming, I’m either focusing on my Electrical Engineering degree or playing football. I absolutely LOVE multiplayer games; carrying my team is pretty fun 😉
Steam: Braindead