Dogs, cats, fish, and whatnot? Minecraft has a wide variety of pets to entertain players. Not to many players’ surprise, horses are also part of this game since the version 1.6 update. Most beginners find it challenging to find, tame, ride, and get off a horse in Minecraft. It is where our guide comes to help.
Key Takeaways
- Horses are tameable, beneficial pets in Minecraft, and players can use them, especially in survival mode, for their fast speed.
- Players can find horses in plains, jungles, and villages. On the other side, players can tame them to create a stable in the village.
- To properly ride a horse, players need a saddle in Minecraft. Usually, they find it in various chests found in different locations of Minecraft.
- A properly tamed horse equipped with a saddle is an excellent mode of transportation for players.
- Meanwhile, getting off a horse is also easy. All you need to do is to hold down the Shift button on the PC and RS on Xbox and PlayStation to dismount your character from a horse in Minecraft.
Like other non-hostile mobs, horses can be handy for players in Minecraft, especially for traversing the map. Meanwhile, finding a horse is an easy task; taming it is rather technical. However, many players are confused about how to get off a horse in Minecraft.

For that instance, we bring you a detailed guide on how to get off a horse in Minecraft safely. Talking about pets in Minecraft, players can also breed and keep fish as pets. Observing such pets in real life is interesting, and rather exciting to have them in a game aswell. To know more about these fish, check our guide on What Do Minecraft Fish Eat?
Horse In Minecraft
Horses are fast non-hostile mobs that can be tamed into pets by players. Due to their fast speed, players use these horses to travel around the Minecraft map. They appear in at least seven colors and can also have one of any five available marking patterns.
Once tamed, they can be equipped with saddles for a ride or horse armor to increase their defense. Players can find both these options from the horse’s inventory once they are riding it. However, to access all these features, the first step is to find and tame a horse in Minecraft.
How To Find A Horse In Minecraft
Players can find horses from the following locations in Minecraft:
- Players can find horses randomly spawning in the plains and jungles of Minecraft. More often than not, horses can be observed eating grass, neighing, and whinnying in groups of two to six.
Horses in Minecraft - Horses can also be found in local villages, tied in local saddles or fences for their safety. Players can easily steal them from there. Although it is still not recommended, but it is a last resort.
How To Tame A Horse
Horses can be beneficial in the survival mode of Minecraft. These mobs can come in handy during an intense battle with hostile enemies. Apart from the fast speed of these mobs, players can also heal themselves, use the crafting table and attack their opponents with melee weapons while riding a horse in Minecraft. Once they have found a horse, they can tame it by following our step-by-step guide below:
- Try to get a seat on the horse by repeatedly trying to mount it. The horse will resist you for some time.
Taming a horse in Minecraft - Keep trying until you are successful in mounting it. Once you are on it, the horse will run off. Maintain your balance by aligning your screen with the direction of the horse’s head.
- Players on Java, Windows 10, and the Education edition can mount the horse by right-clicking on it in Minecraft. PlayStation and Xbox players can climb the horse by pressing the L2 and LT buttons on their controllers, respectively.
- Players can feed the horse with apples, carrots, bread, etc., to speed up the taming process. Once the horse is tamed, players will see red hearts popping on their screen from the horse.
- As the horse is tamed successfully, players now need to put a saddle on it for proper riding.
A tamed horse in Minecraft
How To Find A Saddle In Minecraft
Unlike most items you can craft in Minecraft, the saddle is unique; you will have to find it instead of crafting it yourself. However, do not worry as you can still discover the Saddle around the map of Minecraft.
- Players have a slight chance of finding a saddle in rare chests. Therefore, never miss out on an opportunity of opening chests on your adventures.
Never miss any opportunity to open a chest - So far, the best chances of finding a saddle are in Minecraft dungeons. Usually, dungeons have at least two chests protected by zombies, spiders, or other such mobs. Killing them can allow players to earn good rewards.
- After the recent 1.10 update, the chances of finding a saddle in a dungeon chest are 29%.
- Players can also find at least four chests in the secret chambers of a desert temple.
- There are high chances of finding a saddle in villages. As mentioned above, players can find a horse from a village in Minecraft. Fortunately, players can also discover a chest in a blacksmith’s house with a high chance of spawning a saddle.
- Moreover, Nether fortresses have a high chance of spawning saddles (i.e. almost 35%)
There are higher chances of finding a saddle inside a chest
Speaking of the Nether, players might want to know details about the realm before risking everything to gain access. Consequently, most players will take time to grasp its features. If you don’t want to spend so much time discovering the features yourself, check our guide on Minecraft Guide to the Nether and The End.
How To Ride A Horse In Minecraft
Once you have tamed a horse and found the saddle, you are ready to ride the horse. Follow the steps below to ride the horse in Minecraft successfully:
- Mount the horse by right-clicking on it in Minecraft on a PC, Windows 10, or Java edition. After that, press the E button on your keyboard to open the inventory.
- On a Playstation, climb the horse by pressing the L2 button and access the inventory by pressing the Triangle button of your console.
Riding a horse in Minecraft - Xbox players can climb their horses by pressing the LT button and then access their inventory by pressing the Y button on their consoles.
- Select and drag the saddle from the Hotbar in your inventory to your horse’s saddle box. You will see the saddle on your horse and are ready to go.
Move the saddle from the inventory onto the horse
How To Get Off A Horse In Minecraft
So far, our guide has explained everything about riding a horse in Minecraft. However, what about getting off a horse? Let’s talk about it:
- On a PC, Windows 10, Java, and Education edition, pressing the SHIFT key will dismount the players from horseback.
- Xbox One and Xbox 360 players can dismount from the horseback by pressing the RS button on their consoles.
- Players on a PlayStation can press the RS button on their consoles to get off a horse in Minecraft.
A pop-up will tell you how to dismount a horse when you mount it.
That is about it for our guide on spawning, taming, riding, and getting off a horse in Minecraft. Comment below your thoughts about horses in Minecraft. We would love to hear from you.
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Ahmed has been a part of the Gamesual team since the start. With hundreds of articles written within a year, Ahmed has helped thousands of game enthusiasts to have a smooth and problem-free gameplay experience with a variety of modern as well as old tomb games. Along with demolishing monstrous enemies in the latest RPG games and writing his problem-solving experiences on Gamesual, Ahmed is an undergraduate student of Journalism. When bored of playing or writing about games, studying, or contemplating his life choices, Ahmed likes to spend some time in the gym or smoking his noob buddies in Chess. You can find Ahmed playing Starfield on Steam: PotatoChips.