Minecraft: How To Make Hydrogen Peroxide

H202 is very easy to make in Minecraft. Here is my extensive guide on making it in the game.

how to make hydrogen peroxide in minecraft
how to make hydrogen peroxide in minecraft

In this guide, we will look into how you can compose various compounds using different elements in Minecraft. Mainly, I will tell you how you can make Hydrogen Peroxide.

Key Takeaways

  • In Minecraft Education Edition, players can learn a lot of various subjects ranging from STEM to Computer Science to Social Sciences and much more.
  • To make Hydrogen Peroxide, you will need:
    1. Compound Creator
    2. 2 Hydrogen atoms
    3. 2 Oxygen atoms
  • You can combine these atoms in the compound creator and it will make H202. You can later use it to make lightsabers in Minecraft.

Author’s Trust

After playing Minecraft for hundreds of hours, I have mastered crafting, building, and survival. I constantly explore YouTube and other mediums for new ideas and tips. With my extensive experience in the game, I will explain how you can make Hydrogen Peroxide.

– Ahmed Raza

Minecraft Education Edition offers a series of interactive lessons on various subjects ranging from everything from STEM to Social Sciences. There is also a series of tasks for those interested in chemistry and want to learn its concepts in a fun way. The making of H202 is also something you can enjoy in the Education Edition.

Compound Creator
Compound Creator

How To Make Hydrogen Peroxide in Minecraft?

Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) is not readily available in the game, but it can be made using various elements in the game. You will need the following ingredients to make it in Minecraft:

  • 2 Hydrogen atoms
  • 2 Oxygen atoms

With these elements in the bag, follow my tutorial below in the Compound Creator to make H202 in Minecraft:

  1. You will see a 3×3 grid called the crafting area.
  2. In this 3×3 crafting area grid, place two atoms of hydrogen and two atoms of oxygen
  3. The game will automatically detect that you have made Hydrogen Peroxide and will show a bottle of H2O2 on the right of the crafting area.
  4. Move your composed H2O2 to your inventory for use in the future.

Other than the above-mentioned method, I also use the following method to make H202:

  1. Inside the crafting grid, place a water bucket in one of the slots.
  2. Now, place some Wool in another slot.
  3. That’s it! You have successfully made Hydrogen Peroxide.
  4. Finally, your output will be ready to use in your result slot.

How To Make A Lightsaber With H2O2

While H202 does not have any particular use in Minecraft, it can be used to create glowing sticks in-game. These glowsticks are exact replicas of the Lightsabers from Star Wars. Here is how you can make one in Minecraft:

A Player Holding a Lightsaber in Minecraft
A Player Holding a Lightsaber in Minecraft
  1. Take a block of obsidian from your inventory of items and place it on the ground.
  2. After this, take a quartz block and place it on top of the previously placed block.
  3. Finally, place your Redstone torch from the inventory on the top of this block stack.
  4. Moreover, tie the bottom of your torch using a string.
  5. Finally, pour the Hydrogen Peroxide that you created earlier into your torch.
  6. Congratulations! You have created your lightsaber.

My Thoughts

I think what makes Minecraft a great game is that the target audience of Mojang Studios is not a particular group of people but anyone. The developers even managed to bring their game into classrooms in Minecraft Education Edition. The fact that this edition covers STEM, History, Social Sciences, and beyond learning is amazing in itself.

Even though I’m not a science geek myself, I thoroughly enjoy this immersive experience and totally recommend it to everyone.

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