Mortal Kombat 1: How To Unlock Smoke Skins

Learn how to unlock all 20 Smoke skins, each having a unique Palette and Look.

Smoke in Mortal Kombat 1
Smoke Skis in Mortal Kombat 1

Mortal Kombat 1 offers 20 skins for Smoke that you can unlock through mastery rewards, daily quests, story and invasion modes, and shops. Read to get a complete guide on how to find the various skins. 

Key Takeaways

  • Smoke is a Lin Kuei assassin in Mortal Kombat 1 known for his smoke-based magic.
  • 20 Smoke Skins in Mortal Kombat 1 can be unlocked through various methods.
  • Mastery Rewards are a key source of skins. However, you can also get them through daily and weekly quests, the Shrine and the Shop.
  • Both story and invasion modes also have rewards in between, which sometimes contain skins.
  • The Palettes for each character change every season, so keep a look out to get new palettes.
  • To change outfits, go to the Kustomization menu for every character and equip skins.

How To Get Smoke Skins

Mortal Kombat 1 includes 20 Smoke skins that can be unlocked in the following ways:

  • Character Mastery Rewards
  • The Shrine
  • The Shop
  • Invasion Mode
  • Story Mode
  • Daily Quests

Each of the skins adds a unique style to the character’s appearance. The following is a list of all the Smoke Skins available in the game. 

SkinSkin Type
Fearless FriendUnion of Light
Mighty HunterUnion of Light
Caught FireNew Era
Iron SightsUnion of Light
Stealth HazeNew Era
SmolderNew Era
HuntsmanNew Era
BonfireNew Era
ClandestineNew Era
Smoked OutNew Era
Third SonNew Era
Shirai Ryu Sentinel New Era
Brave and BoldNew Era
AmbushUnion of Light
OrphanedUnion of Light
Former Lin KueiUnion of Light
Break PointUnion of Light
Lying in WaitUnion of Light
SmogUnion of Light
Smoldering LookUnion of Light

After unlocking skins, to change your character’s outfit, all you have to do is go to the Kustomization Menu for that specific character. All of the newly unlocked skins and gears appear here, and you can equip to change the outfit.

Who Is Smoke

One of the recurring characters in Mortal Kombat, Smoke, is a Lin Kuei assassin known for his smoke-based magic skills. His notable characteristic is that he constantly emits smoke. Smoke also can teleport and become invisible, making him one of the most powerful assassins in the game. 

Smoke in Mortal Kombat 1
Smoke in Mortal Kombat 1
[Image Credits: Gamesual]
The character’s real name is Tomas Vrbada; they first debuted in Mortal Kombat 2 as a secret, unplayable character. In the first timeline, he appears as a Cyborg, followed by a Revenant in the 2nd. For the 3rd timeline and Mortal Kombat 1, he appears human. 

His signature moves involve Spear, Smoke Cloud, and Teleporting. He has short silver hair and wears a grey ninja outfit.

Instead of builds, Mortal Kombat features various skins, which let you customize your character’s appearance. The skins can come in different color palettes and include customized outfit parts to match the gear. 

My Thoughts

I think updating and changing skins is a fun way to add taste to your character. Other than skins, you can also update various gears for your character. Read our other articles on Mortal Kombat 1 to gain more insight.

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