NBA 2k24: Best Free Throw Guide

Learn all about the best free throw in the all-new NBA 2K24.

NBA 2k24 best Free Throw
NBA 2k24 best Free Throw

Wondering about what the best Free Throw in NBA 2K24 is? Look no further! We’ve prepared an in-depth guide to help you maximize your performance during free throws.

Key Takeaways

  •  Free throws, also known as foul shots, are awarded to players in response to a foul committed by the opposing team.
  •  Players are only awarded a single free throw per foul.
  •  Successfully making a free throw earns players one point.
  •  There are no stat requirements for selecting a free throw.
  •  Players can buy free-throw animations from the animation store menu.

What Is A Free Throw?

What is a free throw nba 2k24?
Free Throw (Image Credit: Gamesual)

A Free Throw, a Foul Shot, is a shot taken from a designated point near the basket. It is awarded when the defending team commits a foul and is worth one point. Free throws are also given when there is a technical foul. A technical foul, also known as a ‘T’ foul, is a foul that has no physical contact during court play.

Best Free Throws

Free Throw in Animation Store
Animations (Image Credit: Gamesual)

Choosing a free-throw animation has no specific requirements. Players can readily access the animation menu and acquire their preferred free throw animations from the animation store. It’s important to note that each animation is unique, so practicing with it before using it in a match is advisable.

Gameplay Animations
Free Throw Animation (Image Credit: Gamesual)

Here is a list of Free Throw animations I have enjoyed using while playing the game.

  1.  Michael Jordan
  2.  Klay Thompson
  3.  Dr. Disrespect
  4.  Stephen Curry
  5.  Lebron James
  6.  Free Throw 15
  7.  Free Throw 17

My Thoughts

Here is a list of Free Throw animations I have enjoyed using while playing the game.

  1.  Michael Jordan
  2.  Klay Thompson
  3.  Dr. Disrespect
  4.  Stephen Curry
  5.  Lebron James
  6.  Free Throw 15
  7.  Free Throw 17

This is all there is to know about the best free throw in NBA 2k24. If you find this guide helpful, please make sure to give our other guides a read as well:

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