GTA 5 and GTA 5 Online contain many drug-filled adventures. You can smoke some questionable weed to start hallucinating and fight your inner demons literally. Moreover, you can also eat a particular plant to transform into and play as an animal. Peyote Plants spread throughout the world of GTA 5 are a special psychedelic. This guide will help locate all 27 Peyote plants in GTA 5 Online and Story mode.
Key Takeaways
- Peyote Plants are unique psychedelic plants hidden across the world of GTA 5 Online.
- A player can make the in-game character consume these plants to cause hallucinations.
- These hallucinations transform your character into one of the three types of animals.
- A player can either turn into a land animal, a flying animal, or a sea creature. This depends on where the plant was found.
- There are currently 27 locations in GTA 5 Online where Peyote Plants can be found.
- These locations range from high mountains to bottomless oceans and everything in between.
- You can control the animal you transform into and perform every action that the animal can perform.
- As a result, you, as the player, can use birds to fly and fish to swim.
- Once all 27 locations are visited, the plants reset and respawn again in these locations.
Peyote Plants In GTA 5 Online
Peyote Plants are special consumable drugs hidden in GTA 5 Online. You can find these unique-looking plants all over the map. A player can pluck a plant from these locations and consume it.
Moreover, once consumed, the player hallucinates and becomes a random animal. You can then go around the town as an animal and do animal things.
The players currently have to discover 27 locations. However, once consumed, the plant disappears until you find all 27, and the plants will respawn. These fan-favorite psychedelics were added to GTA 5 Online in the 2022 Halloween Update. This has prompted new and old players to go around the town chasing after this plant.
Moreover, in the search, players discovered other easter eggs related to the plant. The players have also found golden peyote plants, which are incredibly rare, and turn a player into a sasquatch commonly known as the Bigfoot.
The Effects Of The Plant

Once you arrive at the plant’s location, you can consume them. You can see a message indicating the presence of the plant and pressing the button to consume it. However, once you finish the plant, your character will start hallucinating.
These hallucinations are very exciting and turn you into an animal. Moreover, you can fully perform any actions with your animal and experience the world like never before. Furthermore, this also leads to animals being unlocked and added to your director mode.
Moreover, this also leads to hilarious dialogue from the character. The character can be heard talking to themselves and often questioning their sanity. Moreover, you can end these hallucinations anytime you want or die in the game to end the hallucinations.
Animal Type

You can turn into a random animal upon consumption. However, if you consume the plant found under the sea, your character will turn into a fish. Similarly, the peyote plants placed in the air in GTA 5 Online will turn you into a bird.
Your character can fly and explore the skies as a hawk or discover the marine life in the sea as a shark. As a result, you can turn into three classes of animals: sea creatures, birds, or land animals.
Moreover, different animal types can have varying mechanics. Therefore, if you get a bird, you can fly and perform aerial attacks.
The land animals people have been able to transform into:
- Boar
- Border Collie
- Cougar
- Cat
- Coyote
- Cow
- Husky
- Pig
- Poodle
- Pug
- Retriever
- Rottweiler
- Stag
- West Highland White Terrier
- Wild Rabbit
The sea creatures people have been able to transform into:
- Dolphin
- Fish
- Hammerhead Shark
- Orca
- Stingray
- Tiger Shark
The birds people have been able to transform into:
- Chicken
- Cormorant
- Crow
- Hawk
- Pigeon
- Seagull
Moreover, it is important to remember that these animals vary from game to game. Therefore, in your experience, you might turn into any random animals from the game. However, it is most common for the players to turn into animals from the list.
Location Of All 27 Peyote Plants In GTA 5 Online
These plants are spread around the world of GTA 5. As a result, some of these peyote plants in GTA 5 Online are in locations that are easy to find. However, some plants are hidden in places that take time and effort to discover. Moreover, these locations are not restricted to just land, as you can also find plants in the ocean or sometimes high in the air.
Additionally, it is important to remember that you can go to these locations in any order you want, and it will not affect the results.
Location 1 – El Burro Heights

This Peyote Plant can be found in the El Burro Heights area in Los Santos. Moreover, this is almost the southeastern end of the map. You can find the plant behind the small parking lot here.
Just head out to this location and exit the parking lot from the rightmost broken fence. Moreover, you will also see the ocean from this location.
Location 2 – Los Santos International Airport

You can find this Peyote Plant near the Los Santos International Airport. However, this plant is underwater, so you must dive deeply. You must exit the airport from the North East section and head toward the ocean. You can see the bridge on your left and the port across the water.
Head to the exact pin on the map, and you will find the plant. Moreover, as this is underwater, you will transform into a sea creature.
Location 3 – Los Santos International Airport

This is the second location at the Los Santos International Airport, where you can find a Peyote Plant. You can find this Peyote Plant behind the Los Santos Customs Located in this area. Just head out to the location and go directly behind this garage. Moreover, you will see old broken buses and trash here.
It is located in front of an old broken blue bus and next to an old broken forklift. Moreover, as this is a land plant, you will transform into a land-type animal.
Location 4 – Del Perro Pier

This plant is located on the western coast of Los Santos. Therefore, head to the Del Perro Pier and dive into the Pacific Ocean below. Moreover, once you are at the pier, stand next to the telescope here and dive right under.
You will see the plant right under the pier in between large rocks. Moreover, as this is a sea plant, you will transform into a sea creature.
Location 5 – Vespucci Beach
This is our first air-type plant that will lead you to turn into a bird. You need to head out to Magellan Avenue, located at Vespucci beach. Moreover, it is best to bring a helicopter to access the roof of this place.
You will find an apartment complex at this pin. Therefore, land on the roof terrace of this building, and you can find the plant next to small stairs in a flower pot.
Location 6 – Strawberry

Here we have yet another plant located on the land. Therefore, head out to the pin located in Strawberry. You need to head to the baseball field behind the tennis court to find this plant. Moreover, the plant will be located behind the batting cage in the corner of the field.
Location 7 – Mirror Park

This is another land-type plant located at the eastern end of Los Santos. Therefore, head out to this urban society, and the location will be at the end of the road. Across the circle of houses, head to the house on the northeast corner. However, you would need to go behind this house to find a pot of plants behind the back door.
Location 8 – Pacific Ocean

Even though this plant is located in the middle of the pacific ocean, it is an air-type peyote plant. Right at the pin marker on the map, you will find a very small island here. However, you would need to look carefully for the plant here. As a result, the plant can be found hiding in the middle of bushes and trees.
Furthermore, this air-type plant will turn you into a bird so you can fly across the islands.
Location 9 – West Vinewood

It is also best to bring a helicopter to this location as this is another air-type plant. However, the building is easier to spot in the West Vinewood area.
You just need to find a big white mansion in the middle. Moreover, try to land your helicopter at the left gallery section of this building.
The peyote plant is in a flower pot next to the table and chairs. Moreover, the plant is at the front end of the gallery section.
Location 10 – Vinewood Hills

This location is a little obscure, with not many houses around. Moreover, at the location marker, you will see the left end of an old cottage. You need to face opposite the house and walk toward the forest.
Here next to the big rock, you will find your peyote plant. Additionally, as this is a land-type plant, you will transform into a random land animal.
Location 11 – Vinewood Hills

This is another one of the Vinewood Hills locations of the Peyote Plant. At this location, opposite the face of the tunnel, you will see a small stone monument. Moreover, you must cross this monument and keep walking into the forest. Here you will see the plant next to small bushes.
However, this is another one of the land-type plant locations, so your animal will not be able to fly.
Location 12 – Vinewood Hills

We have a third location of the Peyote Plant from the Vinewood Area. At this location of the Vinewood Hills, you will find a concrete structure with a drain pipe. Moreover, right at the opening of the pipe and at the base of the grill, you will see the plant. However, this is another land animal transformation.
Location 13 – Tongva Hills

This is the location of our Peyote Plant in the area of Tongva Hills. Once you arrive at this location, you will need to locate the waterfall.
Moreover, this waterfall is fairly easy to locate and beside the road. At this waterfall, you would need to go on the rocks on the left side of the waterfall. Here you can find the plant on the top level of these rocks.
However, be careful as you can easily fall into the water below. Moreover, this is another land-type plant, so you can achieve the land animal transformation.
Location 14 – Pacific Ocean

The location of this Peyote Plant is in the middle of the sea. Moreover, you must swim quite a bit as it is a little distance from the West Coast of Los Santos. When you arrive at this location marker, just dive straight down. Underneath you will see colorful coral, and right next to this will be your plant.
However, remember that you would need to head down deep for this plant. Moreover, this plant will turn you into a sea animal so you can explore the depths.
Location 15 – Fort Zancudo

Here we finally have a location from Blaine County. Moreover, you must head to the North part of the map at Fort Zancudo.
You might need to find the hill overlooking the power plant below. Furthermore, you would need to follow a trail up the hill, and you will find the Peyote Plant on the right of your trail.
Moreover, this is one of the more demanding locations to find due to the complicated terrain of the hills. However, just arrive exactly at the location marker, and you will find the plant here. Additionally, this is another land-type Peyote Plant.
Location 16 – Raton Canyon

The Peyote Plant can be found at the Raton Canyon, Blaine County. However, you would need yet another helicopter to consume this air-type plant. Moreover, climbing this steep hill would be almost impossible without a helicopter. You just need to arrive at the exact location on the pin marker. Furthermore, you can easily find this plant once on this hill.
As this is another air-type peyote plant, you can consume it to transform your character into a random bird.
Location 17 – Raton Canyon

This is the second location of the Peyote Plants at the Raton Canyon, Blaine County. Moreover, this is a land-type, yet it is a good plan to arrive on the helicopter here.
As this is a difficult terrain to navigate, just use the location marker to arrive exactly. You will see a wooden deck at this location, and on the left of the deck, you will see the plant.
Peyote Plant at this location will turn you into a land animal.
Location 18 – Alamo Sea

Alamo Sea is located right in the middle of the map inside Blaine County. Moreover, this is another location where you would need to swim down to get to the Peyote Plants. However, the plant is not in deep water, so you can access it quickly. Just follow the location marker exactly, and you can find the plant at the top left corner of the sea.
Moreover, as this plant is located in the sea, it will transform your character into a sea creature.
Location 19 – Mount Chiliad

You can find another air-type plant on Mount Chiliad, Blaine County. However, once at this location, you must search for the sign that says danger. Just follow the arrow on the sign to see two small poles with red cloth tied. Right next to these poles, you will see the plant.
Moreover, just follow the map marker exactly to arrive at the location. Additionally, this air-type plant can turn you into a random bird.
Location 20 – Pacific Ocean

This is another Peyote Plant located in the vast Pacific Ocean. However, this plant can be found near the northwest of Blaine County. Moreover, you would need to bring a boat to get to this ocean area. Coming in a scuba suit is also recommended as this plant is deep in the ocean.
Furthermore, once at the exact location, you will see big coral next to some ship wreckage. As this is a sea-type plant, it will transform you into a random fish.
Location 21 – Paleto Bay

Peyote Plant can also be located at Paleto Bay, Blaine County. This location is right at the top right corner of the map. Moreover, Paleto Bay is one of the northmost places on the map.
Once you arrive at this location, all you need to do is find the small hill with a bench and trash can on top. You will find the plant on the ground beside the right of the bench.
However, this is another land-type plant that will transform you into a land animal.
Location 22 – Mount Chiliad

This is another air-type plant located in Mount Chiliad, Blaine County. You can arrive at this location by helicopter. However, first, you need to arrive at a small commune camp. Then from here, you need to take your helicopter up the enormous mountain in front of the camp. Moreover, follow the pin marker on the map to arrive at the exact point on this challenging terrain.
However, it is important to remember that this is a high mountain, and arriving by helicopter is a better plan. Furthermore, this Peyote Plant will transform you into a bird.
Location 23 – Mount Gordo

Now we have another large mountain located in Blaine County making an appearance. A Peyote Plant is also located on Mount Gordo in Blaine County. Even though this location is on a mountain, it is fairly easy to find the plant here.
The lake located in the middle of the mountain makes it easier to locate the plant. As a result, head down to the lake, and you will find the plant on the ground next to the tree.
However, even though this plant is located on a mountain this is still a land-type plant that will turn you into a land animal. Moreover, it is recommended to travel here by helicopter as that makes the commute easier.
Location 24 – Pacific Ocean

We can find another Peyote Plant located within the depths of the Pacific Ocean. However, this time the plant can be found off the east coast of Blaine County. Moreover, it is essential to follow the location marker exactly as this is the middle of the ocean.
Coming here on a submarine or at least bringing a scuba suit is also recommended. Additionally, the plant is deep at this location, and will darken in the deep ocean.
The Peyote Plant can be found next to the rubble of a broken ship, next to some long pieces of rusty steel. Moreover, as this plant is deep in the ocean, it will transform you into a sea creature.
Location 25 – Grand Senora Desert

It was about time the Grand Senora Desert made it to the list. You can find a Peyote Plant in the Grand Senora Desert, Blaine County. However, inside a trailer park, this plant can be found in the northern part of the desert.
Moreover, once you arrive at the trailer park, you can find the plant in front of a red trailer home. You can also see some other colorful plants next to the Peyote Plant.
Moreover, as this is yet another land-type plant, you will become a land animal.
Location 26 – Grand Senora Desert

This is the second plant in the Grand Senora Desert, Blaine County. Moreover, this plant is located in an open field next to the road, which makes it easier to access. Therefore, you need to follow the exact location marker to arrive precisely at this location. The Peyote Plant is next to a small cliff and a tree.
However, this land-type plant will transform you into a land animal.
Location 27 – Grand Senora Desert

This is the location of the final Peyote plants in GTA 5 Online on our list. Moreover, this plant is also located right in the middle of the Grand Senora Desert, Blaine County. This plant is located opposite a white mobile home, next to dirt crossroads. Additionally, you can also see oil rigs at this location. However, you will find the plant on the land next to a cactus.
Furthermore, this is another land-type plant that will turn you into any of the land animals.
Final Pluck
This is a complete list of Peyote Plants’ locations in GTA 5 Online. Moreover, once you collect all 27 plants, they will respawn and appear back in their locations. This simple game mechanic feels more like a fan-made mod, and this quality makes it even more exciting.
It is a completely different way to experience the game. You can fly to newer heights as a hawk or run as a deer. Moreover, you can even explore the deep depths of oceans like any sea creature.
Additionally, this is a very fun easter egg hunt that will take you all over the map. This hunt for the plant helps you explore the places on the map that you have never experienced before. Moreover, you also get the advantage of unlocking new animals in the director mode with the help of these plants. So it’s best to hunt for these plants and encounter new fun experiences.
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