Resident Evil 4 Remake: Lake Symbol Puzzle [Solved]

If you are stuck on the Lake Symbol Puzzle in Resident Evil 4 Remake, then this guide will help you with the solution.

The Lake Symbol Puzzle guide Resident Evil 4 remake
Resident Evil 4 : The Lake Symbol Puzzle - Image Captured by: Gamesual

Lake Symbol Puzzle is also sometimes referred to as the Cave Mural Puzzle. Players will encounter this puzzle in the 4th Chapter of the game, which takes place around the large Lake. The Lake, also called the Lago in Resident Evil 4 Remake, is a significant part of the story.

Key Takeaways

  • The Lake Symbol Puzzle is a two-part puzzle in the Resident Evil 4 Remake.
  • The first location of the puzzle is in the Large Cave Shrine, and the second is in the Small Cave Shrine.
  • You need both sculpture heads to get the Church Insignia to progress the story further.
  • These puzzles require three correct symbol buttons pressed together to unlock the gate.
  • The clues to the symbol puzzle would be painted on the insides of these caves. You would need to view symbols at an angle.
  • You can also find rewards at these locations that could be sold to the Merchant for money.

The Lake Symbol Puzzle dial resident evil 4 remake
The Dial- Image Captured by: Gamesual

Important Note: I found many treasure items and sometimes encountered threats around this lake area. Also, I should remind you that you need a boat to access both locations.

The Church And The Key

Church resident evil 4
The Church – Resident Evil 4 – Image Captured by: Gamesual

During the 4th Chapter of the game, your main objective is to find a way inside the church. As that is the possible location of the ‘baby eagle’ or Ashley Graham, the main reason Leon comes to the village.

However, the church gates are locked and require the Church Insignia, the key. To get started, your next objective in the game is to get the church key.

Nevertheless, in true Resident Evil 4 manner, the Church Insignia requires you to gather two objects. When placed in the two giant hands, these two objects will release the key you can use later at the church.

It will ask you to solve two puzzles spread across the Lake to get these two objects.

First Lake Symbol Puzzle

Large Cave Shrine Location Resident evil 4 remake lake symbol puzzle
Large Cave Shrine Location – Image Captured by: Gamesual

The first Lake Symbol Puzzle is next to the boat house where you acquired the boat. Take your boat to the right of the house at the Large Cave Shrine, near the first Mural Cave.

You will see the objective marker on this location, and you will also see an option to park your boat here.

I suggest you come here prepared with weapons, as the infected villagers also lurk in this cave.

  • Once you arrive in the cave, you will see a round-dial thing with eight different symbol buttons.
  • Press three buttons with the correct symbols to unlock the door next to it. 
  • As a result, there are three symbols that you must find within the cave painted on the walls. These symbols are tough to miss as they are painted in yellow. Sometimes, I had to view these symbols from a certain angle to form a correct symbol.
  • After you have found all three symbols, head back to the dial and press the three buttons to open the door.
First symbol in cave lake puzzle
Symbol 1 – Large Cave Shrine – Image Captured by: Gamesual
second symbol lake puzzle resident evil 4 Large Cave Shrine
Symbol 2 – Large Cave Shrine – Image Captured by: Gamesual
third symbol in large cave shrine lake puzzle
Symbol 3 – Large Cave Shrine – Image Captured by: Gamesual

Reward For This Puzzle

statue head lake symbol puzzle
Sculpture Head – Resident Evil 4 – Image Captured by: Gamesual

Behind the doors, you will receive a silver statue, which can be sold to the merchant in the game. 

This is the first of the two heads you need to complete the puzzle. You can also find a hexagon puzzle piece at this location that will be used to unlock another door.

Second Lake Symbol Puzzle

Small cave shrine location Resident evil 4
Small Cave Shrine – Resident Evil 4 – Image Captured by: Gamesual

The second lake symbol puzzle is located across the Lake. This is called the Small Cave Shrine, located at the top right corner of the Lake, at the right of the settlement. You would also need your boat here to cross the enormous Lake.

  • Once you enter the cave, you will see the round dial right in the middle of it.
  • This dial is the same as the first one, but the symbols differ. You would also need to press the three buttons to unlock the door next to it.
  • Within the cave, the symbols are also painted on the wall with yellow color. Similar to the first cave, I had to view some symbols in this cave at the correct angle to get the right answer.
  • Once you have found all three symbols, head back to the dial and select the three symbols. Once all three symbol buttons are pressed, the door next to it will unlock.
symbol 1 small cave shrine resident evil 4
Symbol 1 – Small Cave Shrine – Image Captured by: Gamesual
symbol 2 small cave shrine resident evil 4
Symbol 2 – Small Cave Shrine – Image Captured by: Gamesual
symbol 3 small cave shrine resident evil 4
Symbol 3: Small Cave Shrine – Image Captured by: Gamesual

Reward For This Puzzle

Similar to the first puzzle, you will find the silver statue behind the door after solving the puzzle. 

Getting The Church Insignia

Church Insignia resident evil 4
Church Insignia – Image Captured by: Gamesual

After completing both puzzles, you can see two silver heads in your inventory. You must bring both these heads back to the giant hands. Then, place both hands in the palm of both big hands.

The circular piece in the center of his structure will rotate and release the Church Insignia or the key required to enter the church. Collect the key in the center and return it to the church. Then, place the key at the church gate, which will unlock the gate.

My Experience With The Lake Symbol Puzzle

The Lake Symbol Puzzle is one of the complex puzzles that implores exploration and attention to detail. You can easily figure out the puzzle by paying attention to the surroundings. My only recommendation is to bring enough weapons and backup ammo to clear out any threat in the location so it does not trouble you to progress the game. 

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