Star Wars Jedi Survivor is not an open-world game but includes many spaces to explore. It features six planets, each with its charm. Also, Koboh is the largest of them all, and players must spend most of their time on this planet. Further, on Koboh, we’ve many puzzles and areas to dig into, including the Star Wars Jedi Survivor Alignment Control Center.
Key Takeaways
- Alignment Control Center is an area on Koboh with a puzzle to solve, and players will collect an upgrade as a reward.
- To get to the Star Wars Jedi Survivor Alignment Control Center, players must fast-travel to Untamed Downs, a small distance from Pyloon’s Saloon.
- Once we enter the Alignment Control Center, we’ll see screens, of which six are red, and one must be green. You have to complete all seven Jedi Meditation Chambers to solve the puzzle.
- Players can find this Chamber of Reason during the Forest Array quest. During the quest, we meet with Toa, who tells us about this chamber.
- To begin with, getting to this chamber is possible only after getting the ability “Tamed Nekkos.” During the “Reach the Forest Array” mission, Cal will gain this ability.
- After getting back to Control Center, get close to the panel before the displays, and BD-1 will activate the map Upgrade for you. That will help you find all the unfound upgrades using the Holomap.
To begin with, the Alignment Control Center is an area on Koboh with a puzzle to solve, and players will collect an upgrade as a reward. Additionally, this guide looks into the Alignment Control Center’s role within the game’s amazing storyline.
Further, it’ll include the location of the Alignment Control Center on Koboh and the complete walkthrough about clearing the screen puzzle. In the end, we’ll discuss the rewards.
Location Of The Alignment Control Center
To get to the Alignment Control Center, players must fast-travel to Untamed Downs, a small distance from Pyloon’s Saloon. However, players can follow the map to get to Untamed Downs quickly. From there, you’ll see an entrance gate to a cave. Enter the door and follow the path forward; a dead end will be in front.

Further, you must climb the wall using vines to reach the platform’s top. After that, follow the path around, and you will get to an elevator that will bring you to the basement. Additionally, enter the door in front, and you’ll get to the Alignment Control Center meditation point there.
Alignment Control Center Screen Puzzle
Once we enter the Alignment Control Center, we’ll see screens, of which six are red, and one must be green. The green display is because we must have completed the Chamber of Duality while with Zee. Additionally, the display on them will be a map-like display. Interacting with anything in the control center will not give you any response regarding the puzzle solution.
To clear it and make all seven screens green, you must complete all seven Jedi Meditation Chambers.
Chamber Of Duality
The display connected to this chamber will already be green because we must complete this when we meet Zee character. Players will find this chamber in Rambler’s Reach Outpost. Further, follow the map after getting there, and you can quickly get to this Jedi Meditation Chamber.

Once you enter the chamber, players will need Orbs to attach to the Orb Couplers to create a temporary bridge to get to the other side. Additionally, Cal will get his hands on Reseliense Perk in this chamber.
Chamber Of Reason
Players can find this chamber during the Forest Array mission. During the quest, we meet with Toa, who tells us about this chamber. Also, after a short walk from where we met her, we created a shortcut by slicing a rock that caused a pillar to drop, creating a path.
Further, follow the path, and after climbing a wall using vines and getting across a broken bridge using a hanging rope, you’ll get to the Chamber of Reason. To complete this puzzle, use the lever to bring the Orb Coupler to the right side, then put the Orb in and get to the other side using the bridge created. Further, from that side, bring the second Orb back after breaking the wall on your right.

Move the Orb Coupler to the left and get to the other side of the bridge. Also, keep the second Orb with you using force-pull. Get to the upper floor using the elevator, and put the Orb in the coupler to create the bridge. Grab the Orb from the down-floor Orb Coupler and throw it to the coupler in front.
Then get to the upper floor using the elevator after pulling the lever, and put the nearby Orb on the last Orb Coupler to create the bridge that will get you to the Dexterity Perk.

Chamber Of Clarity
To begin with, getting to this chamber is possible only after getting the ability “Tamed Nekkos.” During the “Reach the Forest Array” mission, Cal will gain this ability. So, completing this chamber is possible after completing the Forest Array quest. Firstly, get to the Untamed Downs near Fort Kahlin.
Then use Neko to jump and climb a wall with vines above a cave entrance, mount it, and hang onto the edge. Keep moving forward, climb the next wall, and reach the platform’s top, where you’ll get to the Chamber of Clarity.

To complete the puzzle of this chamber, you only have to move the blocks to create a path and keep moving forward. In the end, this puzzle will reward you with a Fellowship Perk.
Chamber Of Ambidexterity
Players can complete this chamber after clearing the Devastated Settlement’s puzzle. To begin with, get to the chamber by first getting to the Grand Courtyard meditation point. From there, hang with the Relter and get to the platform in front on the opposite side with a massive gate, waterfall, and a laser beam emitter.

Furthermore, force-pull on the laser emitter to change its direction to focus on a small platform down on the other side. Again hang onto the Relter and fly to that platform. Then BD-1 will fire up the path you follow using Kobog Grinder and the laser beam.
Enter the place and fire up the Koboh barrier to open the blocked passage. In the end, players will get the Ambidexterity Perk as a reward.
Chamber Of Detachment
Players must reach the Mountain Ascent meditation point to reach the Chamber of Detachment. From there, move across the force field, and you’ll see a lake with a waterfall behind it. So, get there, and you can enter the Chamber of Detachment from behind that waterfall.
Enter the chamber and solve the puzzle by force-pulling the block and then grabbing the Orb from the gap behind that block. Place it to the Orb Coupler behind that rotating gate, resulting in the Orb beam. Then use BD-1’s Koboh Grinder on the block’s side and front.

When the Orb beam hits Koboh Grinder, it’ll start a fire, which will lead to the burning of the Koboh barriers blocking the path of the other block. Then use both blocks to create a staircase by balancing the pressure plate and the elevator. Then climb the blocks and get to the Patience Perk.
Chamber Of Connection
Firstly, get to the Viscid Bog meditation point. There will be a broken bridge in front. Get to the edge and jump to the zipline. Furthermore, drop down to the other zipline halfway to the other end. However, after passing under the stone bridge, grapple to the grapple point on your right and get to the top.

Further, follow the path around and enter the Chamber Of Connection. To complete the puzzle, players need Bd-1’s Koboh Grinder, Orb, and the Orb beam to burn away the Koboh barriers to open the gates to move forward further. In the end, Cal will be rewarded with a Recuperation Perk.
Chamber Of Fortitude
To begin with, getting to this chamber is a little tricky, and you also need force-lift and slam both to complete it. But you can easily access it by following our guide. Firstly, get to the Southern Reach, then jump onto a Nekko.
Follow the path uphill, leading you to a place with two walls facing each other. So, use them, get to the top, hang all around, and jump onto the metal platform in front.
Further, jump to the wall in front, climb to the top, kill the B1-Droids, and jump down after lifting the chamber lid. Follow the path around, open the door using the force lift, pass through the force field, and wall-run to the next platform. Avoid the enemies blocking the way to save time.

However, jump to the next metal platform, wall-run, and get down to the broken bridge using the wall in front. Further, use force-pull to bring a shutter down and walk-run on it to the other wall and then to the climbing frame in front that will get you down.
After that, use the zipline to get to the building in front, and from there, force-lift a wall and walk run on it to get to the post in the middle. In the end, jump to the platform in front and enter the Chamber of Fortitude. This will lead to a battlefield where you’ll fight Anoth Estra. After defeating him, Cal will get a Persistence Perk.

Puzzle Rewards
After completing all seven Jedi Meditation Chamber puzzles, head back to the Star Wars Jedi Survivor Alignment Control Center. You’ll notice all the screens green after reaching there, indicating that now you can claim your reward.

So, get close to the panel in front of the displays, and BD-1 will activate the map upgrade for you. That will help you find all the unfound upgrades using the Holomap.
Final Words
This complete guide will help you know everything about Star Wars Jedi Survivor Alignment Control Center. From the location to the solution of the puzzles and also the rewards players will get. It includes the locations of all seven Jedi Meditation Chambers explained straightforwardly. So, use this guide to unlock all the rewards Alignment Control Center offers.
While you are here, check out these other exciting guides:
- Star Wars Jedi Survivor Reach The Forest Array.
- Star Wars Jedi Survivor All Stim.
- Star Wars Jedi Survivor Bosses.
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