Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is packed with over seventy skills and abilities. Exploring through the gameplay, players will collect many skill points, allowing them to unlock new and better skills for their protagonist, Cal Kestis. However, with so many options, players will need some guidance about which skill to choose and which not.
Key Takeaways
- There are seventy-five skills and abilities in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. These skills are divided into nine trees and three groups. However, not all of these skills are worth the time and investment in the game.
- The three main groups of these skills are the Lightsaber, Force, and Survival.
- The Lightsaber skills allow players to strategize different attacks to defeat enemies. It is divided into five different stances.
- The Force skills focus on utilizing the protagonist’s knowledge of force to play tricks on enemies. The skills in this category are further divided into three groups.
- The survival skills, however, focus on conserving players’ health in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. It has no sub-groups.
- Players must have sufficient Skill points (XP) to buy different skills in the game. Players can get these skill points by finishing the main storyline, defeating many enemies, exploring the Force Essences, and completing the Force Tears in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
With each new mission, you will face more challenging battles in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Playing with the same set of skills with each passing level will not be possible as you will have to face new and more powerful enemies. Luckily, you can collect skill points during your gameplay and use them to unlock many skills to ensure your survival and success in upcoming missions.
While unlocking all the skills in the game will take lots of time, players can prioritize unlocking the best skills in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. There are three main categories of skills in the game. These three categories are further divided into nine skill trees in the game. The three categories are:

- Lightsaber: When in a combat stance, these skills allow players to utilize and maneuver new attacks, helping them defeat their enemies quickly.
- Force: These skills allow players to utilize Cal’s knowledge of the Force in a better and enhanced way. Consequently, you can play many tricks and attack with more power.
- Survival: These skills allow players to conserve or restore your protagonist’s health in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
These three are further divided into different stances. Moreover, after choosing a certain skill set in the game, players cannot use any other available skill. However, players can change or replace any other skill from their skill set by spending one skill point. Therefore, try to earn as many skill points as possible.
You must earn many skill points to unlock all seventy-five skills in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Here are a few ways by which you can earn skill points easily and quickly in the game:
- Completing the main storyline is the easiest way of collecting skill points in the game. While on your way, look for all the collectibles and blocked areas on the map.
- Defeat as many enemies as you can. Defeating major bosses will grant you more skill points.
- Scan whatever you find with BD-1. It is a handy tool to scan for enemies and echoes and create databank entries.
- Another great source of many skill points in the game is the Force Essences. These are glowing blue crystals; players can see them from afar due to their brightness. Force Essence crystals have many rewards, the most notable being Max Health, Max Force, and huge sums of Skill points.
- Completing force tears can reward players with lots of skill points as well. When a player interacts with one of these glowing purples voids of energy, many waves of enemies will come out of it, and players can defeat them to earn the final reward.
The three main categories of the skills are further divided into different stances. We have listed all the best skills in these three skill trees below:
The Lightsaber Tree Skills
With five different stances, the Lightsaber tree skills can help you defeat multiple enemies at a single time in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Moreover, players can enjoy a diverse variety during their gameplay, including new Crossguard, Blaster, and Duel Wield stances. With the limit of choosing only two stances at a time, you must choose between the available skills.
Here are all these stances and the best skills. Choose the suitable ones according to your playing style and enjoy the gameplay:
Single Tree Skills
The basic stance in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is not a competition for the newly added stances. While the freshly added stances are more stylish, and you will be using them most of the time, you can use this stance with the following skills to get the maximum out of it. Focus on this stance, especially for aerial attacks and dashes. Here are the best and most useful skills for this stance in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Cyclone Slash
It is an absolute must-have skill for the Single Stance in the game. Cyclone Slash helps players perform an overhead swing to stumble the enemies. Consequently, you can successively execute perfect attack combos to dominate your opponents completely.

Players can use this skill by pressing the attack button in the game. Furthermore, it is available for only two skill points in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Dash Strike
Dash Strike is a useful skill when many enemies surround players. It allows players to easily move between multiple enemies by dashing toward and striking an enemy with powerful combos. However, it has a specific range. Therefore, make sure the enemies are in that specified range when using this one of the best single tree skills in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Players can use this skill by holding the block button while at the same time pressing the attack button on their consoles. Similarly, it is available for only two skill points in the game.
Charged Throw
While there are better alternatives to this skill in other stances, Charged Throw is still a reliable option for single-stance players. It allows players to attack their enemies with sabers from quite some distance. In this way, players can stay safe while slashing their enemies and preparing for deadly combos.

Purchasable for two skill points, Charged Throw can be used by holding the Block and Force Attack buttons in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Double Blade Skills
Like the Single Stance, the Double Blade is also a basic stance in the game, featured in the previous version. It is an efficient skill tree, allowing players to deal with crowds of enemies easily. Even though it is good for controlling crowds, we recommend not using this stance and the skills against powerful bosses in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. The best and most useful skills for this stance are:
Endless Hurricane
Double Blade stance is often recalled for its fast pace fighting style. The endless Hurricane skill proves this statement. Players can use this skill to extend the Double-bladed chain attack by adding more attacks at the end. Consequently, the Endless Hurricane skill can help you defeat multiple enemies with deadly combos.

To use this skill, continue pressing the Attack button during the double-bladed chain attack. Moreover, Players can get this skill for only one skill point in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Rising Storm
It is one of the best skills in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Rising Storm allows players to launch their protagonist in the air while forcing their enemies into a small circle. While the protagonist is in the air, you can decide on any attacking move and bestow the wrath on the encircled enemies.

Destroy the enemies with more combos immediately after landing with a powerful attack. Rising Storm is a great skill to dominate huge groups of enemies. Players can unlock this skill for only two skill points in Star Wars Jedi: Survival.
Repulsing Burst
If you are trapped between huge groups of enemies, Repulsing Burst will be your way out. We recommend you use it with the Rising Storm to annihilate all your enemies in no time. Repulsing Burst affects all the enemies in the Area of Effect. It is a great way to push away enemies as well.

Strategize your attack before slamming down on enemies and land perfect combos to change the direction of the fight in your favor. Players can get this skill for only two skill points in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Dual Wield Skills
The newly added stance with astonishing new skills is worth all your skill points in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Moreover, it will not be much difficult to master this stance as it relates a lot to the Single Stance. Here are the best skills from this Stance:
Backstep Slash
Backstep Slash allows you to get the maximum out of the Dual Wield stance by using speed and power. Especially helpful against mighty bosses and other one-on-one fights by maintaining a safe distance, the Backstep Slash allows players to attack the enemy and immediately leap backward.

Players can use this skill by holding the Block button and pressing the Attack button. Moreover, players can get this skill for only one skill point in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Precision Release
Precision Release is one of the most important skills in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. You can use this skill against large enemies with melee weapons. It allows you to create a shockwave-like effect followed by an attacking combo to destroy your enemies in no time completely.

Use this skill when an enemy is trying to attack you by holding the stance and pressing the force-attack button. Players can get this skill for only two skill points in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Dancing Blades
By far the best skill on our list, the Dancing Blades lets you experience the true potential of your lightsabers in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Moreover, using it when enemies surround you will give you a huge dopamine boost. Dancing Blades allow players to throw lightsabers on enemies so that they will hit almost all of their surrounding enemies, dealing huge damage to them.

Players can use this fast skill by holding the Block Button and pressing the Force Attack button. Similarly, players can get it for only three skill points in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Blaster Skills
This stance helps fight long boss fights. Blaster Skills can help you build pressure on your enemies from a safe distance. In this way, players can avoid losing their health while at the same time depleting their enemies’ health bars. Here are the useful skills from this Star Wars Jedi: Survivor stance.
Point Blank
Point Black is one of the most important skills of the Blaster Stance. It can help you completely annihilate multiple enemies with no struggle. When an enemy tries to attack you, you can blast it away using this skill and create a safe distance between you and the other enemies.

Players can use this skill by pressing the Force Attack button when an enemy succeeds in striking you a blow. Similarly, players can get this skill for only one skill point in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Quick Draw
Quick Draw is a skill that we recommend you use either at the start or end of fights with large groups of enemies. It is a dependable skill to blow heavy damage on your enemies from a distance.
Many people say it is a copy of Deadeye from the Red Dead Redemption. Players can focus on and target multiple enemies at a time using this skill.

Players can use this amazing skill by holding the Block and Force Attack buttons. Similarly, the Quick Draw skill can be obtained for only three skill points in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Energizing Flurry
Energizing Flurry is one of the most useful skills when fighting against large groups in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. What makes it more interesting is that it can also replenish ammo for your blaster.
Moreover, Energizing Flurry can also help you land multiple combos on your enemies. While these combos are not deadly enough, the additional perk of replenishing the blaster ammo makes up for the shortcomings.

Players can use this skill by holding the block and attack buttons. Similarly, players can get this skill for only three skill points in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Crossguard Skills
The crossguard stance has the best skills for maximum damage in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. In this stance, the protagonist will hold the Lightsaber with both hands. However, the great damage is compensated by the slow movements. Here are the best skills for the Crossguard stance in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Greater Impact
Greater Impact can help you neutralize a large group of enemies in style. Being an upgraded version of the Impact skill, it allows you to go airborne and then slam into the ground like a superhero. It will create an explosive shockwave, expanding in a larger area to accommodate many enemies or even larger targets.

Players can use this skill by pressing the Force Button in the air. Similarly, players can get this skill for only one skill point in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Rolling Thunder
Rolling Thunder skill allows players to launch a focused and directed attack on their enemies. Players can use this skill to throw their Lightsabers in a straight line, destroying every enemy in sight. As it has more damage than other ranged attacks, Rolling Thunder is a dependable throwable attack, especially against larger enemies or groups of enemies.

Players can use this skill by pressing the Block and Force buttons. Similarly, players can get this skill for only two skill points in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Sundering Swipe
Especially useful in one-on-one fights, Sundering Swipe allows players to deal serious damage to their enemies. However, players can also use it against multiple enemies. Additionally, players can use this skill multiple times in rapid succession against groups of enemies.

Players can use this skill by pressing the attack button and holding on to the Block button. Similarly, this skill is available for only two skill points in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Force Tree Skills
With three subcategories, the Force Tree has some of the best skills using Telekinesis and Force Meter to win you all the combats in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. With many new and unique additions, here are the best skills in the Force Tree:
Confusion Skills
Being a new edition to the Force Tree, Confusion skills confuse the opponents and make them fight each other. The following are the best confusion skills in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Confounded Mind
It is an essential skill to have in the game. Confounded Mind allows players to control large crowds of enemies for quite some time. Players can get this skill for only two skill points in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. It will leave your enemies fighting each other while you can strategize your attacks or recover your energy.

Redirected Strength
Stormtroopers can be annoying enemies to deal with. However, with the Redirected Strength skill, players can give them a taste of their own medicine. You can use stormtroopers’ weapons and make them fire at each other instead of you. The good thing about this skill is that you can use it from some distance.

Players can use this skill by holding the Block and Slow buttons in the game. Similarly, players can get the Redirected Strength for only one skill point in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Confusion Mastery
It is by far the best confusion skill in the game. Confusion Mastery lets players confuse even the deadliest bosses in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. However, for all its benefits, you must work hard to reach the top of the tree to unlock this skill. After reaching the top, players can purchase it for three skill points in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Telekinesis Skills
These skills are our least favorite in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. It lets you push away enemies to recover some energy or pull closer enemies to launch drastic combos. While we would suggest players not choose any Telekinesis skills, here are a few skills that you can test out:
Howling Push
An upgraded version of the Radial Push, this skill can help you in many situations to give you enough time to recover some energy. Howling Push allows players to push away waves of enemies to give them some space to breathe. Players can get this skill for two skill points in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Unrelenting Pull
It works perfectly in a Crossguard stance where you can pull your enemies closer to attack them quickly. Similarly, it works the opposite of the skill mentioned above. Many players believe Unrelenting Pull is an upgraded skill, more powerful than all the pulling skills combined. Players can purchase it for only three Star Wars Jedi: Survivor skill points.

Parry Push
Parry Push is the only decent skill of all the Telekinesis skills in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Players can use this skill to fly away from their enemies. However, to use this skill, players must time their attack. It can help you out of many awkward situations in the game. Players can get the Parry Push skill in Star Wars Jedi for only one skill point: Survivor.

Jedi Concentration Skills
These skills enable players to use the force meter in an enhanced way. Moreover, Jedi Concentration skills also let players recover Force in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Here are the notable Jedi Concentration Skills in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Swift Focus
Swift Focus allows players to recover their Force swiftly in the game. Using it along with the Precision Evade skill can help you win many fights, as these skills can empower each other. After using the Precision Evade skill, you can quickly recover your Force by using this skill. Moreover, it only costs one skill point in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Enlightened Attunement
Enlightened Attunement allows players to maximize their Force to try out various combos. It is one of the most important skills in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, as you will always need the Force Meter to launch your attacks and combos. Players can get this skill for only two skill points in the game.

Superior Hold
Large enemies in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor are usually difficult to defeat. Moreover, they attack quickly and deal more damage to the players. A skill that can limit their movement and slow them down can be beneficial.

Superior Hold allows players to do this, and when combined with the Extended Hold skill, players can take down even the most dangerous enemies of the game. Players can get this skill for only one skill point in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Survivor Tree Skills
Survivor Tree has the best skills in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Unlike the other trees with different branches and separate skills, the Survivor tree has no branches. The skills in this tree can potentially save the life of players by allowing them to recover their health.
However, the Survivor Tree skills should not be used at the beginning of the game. Players should purchase these skills only when they fight the deadliest enemies in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, where they will repeatedly lose their health. Here are the best skills in the Survivor Tree:
Survival Skills
This is one of the most important skills in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, especially useful at the end of the game. Survival Skills come in handy when fighting the final few bosses of the game and allow players to recover their full health. Players can get this skill for only two skill points in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Perfected Stim Formula
It is another must-have skill in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Perfected Stim Formula increases the healing power of your healing items. Consequently, you can recover considerably more health by using an item in the game. Players can get this skill for only two skill points in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Focused Sight
It is a fun skill in the game. Using the Focused Sight in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, players can block all the melee attacks from their opponents without doing much. All they need to do is hold on to the dodge button. Players can get it for only two skill points in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

These were all the best skills you should get and try first in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Try these all in various combinations to get the best gaming experience. Which are your favorite skills in the game? Try these all and tell us in the comments.
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Ahmed has been a part of the Gamesual team since the start. With hundreds of articles written within a year, Ahmed has helped thousands of game enthusiasts to have a smooth and problem-free gameplay experience with a variety of modern as well as old tomb games. Along with demolishing monstrous enemies in the latest RPG games and writing his problem-solving experiences on Gamesual, Ahmed is an undergraduate student of Journalism. When bored of playing or writing about games, studying, or contemplating his life choices, Ahmed likes to spend some time in the gym or smoking his noob buddies in Chess. You can find Ahmed playing Starfield on Steam: PotatoChips.