You Can Have Your Own Custom Broom In Hogwarts Legacy

Latest details revealed that you can have your custom broom in Hogwarts Legacy and it is going to be a constant part of the game.

Custom Broom in Hogwarts Legacy
Custom Broom in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy has been aimed to be a game that any Harry Potter fan would dream of playing, from choosing your spells to crafting your own story within Hogwarts walls. Well, now it appears the game will also allow brooms to join this list.

Brooms will play a significant role in the game and allow players to explore the world. So let’s see what you can do with a custom broom in Hogwarts Legacy.


  • Brooms will be essential in exploring and navigating the vast world of Hogwarts Legacy.
  • Not just that, but brooms will be stylized and can even be customizable.

The latest details comes from developers’ showcase that revealed many surprising aspects of upcoming Hogwarts Legacy. Brooms have always played an essential role in the Harry Potter series. Many fans were hoping that they would be significant in Hogwarts Legacy. Fortunately, that will be the case because it has been revealed that brooms have a core role in the overall gameplay. This will only allow you to explore the world and show off another aspect of your wizard life.

We’ve not been explicitly told how you can customize your broom, but if it works like other aspects of the game, we can guess how it might work. You’re likely able to customize things like the wood your broom is made of and the color. We also you’ll be in upgrade your broom. We can expect to be able to upgrade brooms and enhance aspects like handling and speed.

All of this is made infinitely better because you can come on your broom anytime to explore the world. This is a great approach to encourage mobility and exploration, even getting players to think three-dimensionally about certain areas and problems. It is also worth noting that around the same time this was revealed, it was also revealed that you could ride a hippogriff.

The only thing that this leaves many fans hoping for would be a Quidditch Game they can participate in. Sadly as of the last Q&A, the games production staff did not have any plans for Quidditch to be in the game, but we can always hope for DLC.

That is all that we have on you being able to get a custom broom in Hogwarts Legacy. Are you excited about the addition of a custom broom in Hogwarts Legacy? Share with us in the comments section below.

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