A New Sonic Titled “Sonic & Friends” Is Coming, Trademark Revealed

It appears that a new Sonic Game coming and we know it will be title Sonic & Friends thanks to a trademark filed by Sega.

A New Sonic Game Is Coming
A New Sonic Game Is Coming

It has been a good few years for Sonic games, and the train of good games won’t stop anytime soon. We have just learned that a new Sonic game is coming, and it will be called Sonic & Friends. What this game will be about and what we can expect from it is what we will cover here.


  • A trademark was just filed for a new game titled Sonic & Friends.
  • The title suggests that the game will center around more than just Sonic himself but that players can also use other Sonic characters.
  • We know this will be a game because the trademark was made out for all things digital and most forms of machinery.

Sonic games have enjoyed a good run over the last few years with titles that have made the whole fanbase happy. Many of these have pushed the boundaries of where a Sonic game could go, and some were just nice because they weren’t broken. No matter the reason for the Sonic Renaissance, we will get another franchise addition.

This new title will be Sonic & Friends, and its trademark has just been filed. The reason that we know about this is that Chizi-Watch found the filing and published it.

As for what the trademark tells us about the game, it is quite limited. It tells us this will be a game, not a Movie or TV show. The trademark is made out of software and electronic machinery, which means this will be a video game. You can see the image and read the translation below from Google Translate.

Sonic & Friends Trademark
Sonic & Friends Trademark


The trademark reads: 


Because of this, we can expect this game to feature a full cast of Sonic characters. It is also a possibility that this game might have a co-op or multiplayer feature. We don’t know that, but it usually happens whenever multiple Sonic characters are featured.

That is all that we know about a new Sonic Game is coming.

While you are here, why not check out our article on Take-Two Plans Relaunching Two Iterations Of Previously Released Titles.

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