Splatoon 3 Is Getting 3 New Modes

According to a new leak Splatoon 3 is getting three new modes as discovered by data miners.

Splatoon 3 Is Getting 3 New Game Modes Cover Image
Splatoon 3 Is Getting 3 New Game Modes

Splatoon 3 may have just come out, but due to some very clever and industrious data miners, we now think three new modes are also coming to the game. This discovery is very interesting since the game is so new. I would not have expected DLC, at least for a few months. But it could happen within the following few updates, so let’s look at the leak.

Splatoon 3 Is Getting 3 New Game Modes
Splatoon 3 Is Getting 3 New Game Modes

The leak for this comes from @OatmealDome on Twitter, and it states that there could potentially be three new modes added to Splatoon 3. The modes are listed as Pair, Underground, and Contest. We don’t know how these would tie into the regular multiplayer, but we can guess what they might mean off their names alone.

This game mode’s names might be literal or not, so I will speculate on both. Pair sounds evident because it is probably like a PVP where everyone is broken into a team of two. This mode idea wouldn’t surprise me as it leans into many Battle Royale systems that are popular right now, and even games like Halo are starting to use them.

Underground is a bit more challenging to figure out and could be literal, as in traveling underground or some kind of time trial. The last one will be a Contest, and given this game’s weird modes, it might not have anything to do with PVP. It could be something like clam run or something new entirely using the ink mechanics.

Each of these was also discovered to have much more information than their existence. Pair and Underground will have their own titles and grades, for example. The Underground mode will also have higher quotas with each wave but how this will affect gameplay is unknown.

There is also a slight possibility that these won’t be new modes. They could instead be limited events like big runs. This update would make them temporary but exciting additions to the standard gameplay loop.

Splatoon 3 PvP
Splatoon 3 PvP

It’s a little hard to say, given that we don’t know if these will be actual modes or events. Whichever type turns out to be the best thing that you can do is practice with your chosen class and hone your skills. We will find out what this will be, and then it will be easier to prep.

Splatoon 3 Battle Arena
Splatoon 3 Battle Arena

In general, revealing that this is either a set of new game modes or new events is a sign of good things in Splatoon 3. It shows a desire to support the game and maintain its standards for the player base. Hopefully, these will not be the only DLC or special events we will see in Splatoon 3.

We will be sure to keep an eye out for any more news like this in the future regarding updates and DLC for the game.

At the same time, why not check out our article on Ghost of Tsushima Coming to PC.

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