Like every other side quest, the prevalent first quest of Blue Medallions is also there. While it’s just like the original Resident Evil 4, it has slightly added changes.
Key Highlights
- The Requests play a massive part in the game now, aside from playing the role of side quests only after introducing the new currency system to buy unique items. Requests are a must-do now for the player to purchase unique items.
- The game has had a complete overhaul as it is a remake, so the terrains have changed quite a lot, making it hard for even the players who have played the game once or twice to find all the Blue Medallions locations.
- The original rewards for completing this side quest are still there, but now there is more reason to complete all the blue Medallions requests.
Now, keep in mind that you can shoot the medallions beforehand. I recommend you also shoot them as soon as you see them. It will still be counted even before you find the Request Note and activate it.
Quest 1 (Farm)
The very first Blue Medallion quest can be found at the gate that goes to the fishing village. After taking the blue paged quest near the entrance, you must look for the Medallions.
- Blue Medallion 1: I found the first Medallion in the shack where the typewriter is. Here, look behind the typewriter over the spiked fence. You will see that it’s hanging below a balcony.
Image captured by Gamesual - Blue Medallion 2: This one is hanging in the front window of the Barn near the typewriter shack. Just look at the upper window in front of the barn entrance.
Image captured by Gamesual
- Blue Medallion 3: From the Barn, go to the path to the right side, and you will find the third Medallion hanging outside on the edge of a small building.
Image captured by Gamesual - BlueMedallion 4: After the third Medallion, look behind, hop on over the fence, and look inside the staple on the right, and you will see the fourth Medallion.
Image captured by Gamesual - Blue Medallion 5: Go inside the shack behind the staple, visible from where you stood while shooting the fourth Medallion. After going inside, look up at the ceiling, and you will see the fifth Medallion in between support beams.
Image captured by Gamesual From my experience, I found most of the medallions usually hanging high up, and that’s where you will also spot most of these collectibles.
Quest 2 (Fishing Farm)
I was able to locate the second Blue Medallion request in the Fishing Farm area at the gates, right before you enter the Quarry. This is also where later I had the boss fight with El Gigante.
Note that this is before you come back and fight El Gigante when you are going to find the key to the church. The first Medallion is near where you pick up the quest.
- Blue Medallion 1: The first Medallion will hang up on the hill from the platform. Enter the Quarry and look straight up, and you can easily see it.
Image captured by Gamesual - Blue Medallion 2: The second Medallion is far away, so run to the river where the cut scene of the villagers feeding the big fish is viewable. On that platform, go left and climb down. After climbing down, move a little to the right and look under the docks, and you will see the 2nd Medallion.
Image captured by Gamesual - Blue Medallion 3: The third Medallion took me the longest to find, as this was much further away from the rest of the collectibles. For this, reach the Fish farm and get to where you get up on the docs; you should find a shack right in front of you, and entering that, you will find the third Medallion.
Image captured by Gamesual - Blue Medallion 4: Go to the right of the shack to the path that goes down into the water again, and keep going to the right side of the platform that comes on the left. You should be able to see the fourth Medallion. It’s inside the wood wall.
Image captured by Gamesual - Blue Medallion 5: I spotted the fifth Medallion close to the fourth one. Find the platform behind you and climb up to find the Blue Medallion. Go left after going up and climb down to the left again. After climbing down, go left and get under the docks, and you should see the fifth Medallion on the right side.
Image captured by Gamesual
Quest 3 (Castle Entrance)
The third quest can be found at the Castle gates. After finishing the canon fight against the cultists in the courtyard and right before the castle gate, you can find another one of the requests. Pick that up and head back because the Medallions are in the area where you use the canon.
- Blue Medallion 1: Go to where the canon is and look at the right window of the Gazebo structure. There, you will find the first Medallion.
Image captured by Gamesual - Blue Medallion 2: Now, from there, go towards the catwalk you came from and look in the window of the broken building in front of you; the second Medallion will be hanging there.
Image captured by Gamesual - Blue Medallion 3: The third Medallion can be found in the same point of view as the second Medallion. Move your camera to the upper left a little, and the third Medallion should hang from the big building in the scenery. It will be a long shot, so aim down the sight for a few seconds till Leon stabilizes his aim.
Image captured by Gamesual - Blue Medallion 4: For the fourth one, you need to climb down into the building from where you brought up the canon. The broken entrance can be found in front of the canon, looking towards the gate. Climb down and look towards the upper right, and you will find it hanging in front of you.
Image captured by Gamesual - Blue Medallion 5: Go outside and climb the ladder on the right as you exit the structure. After climbing up, look to the lower left side outside the bounds of the castle, and you will see the Medallion hanging from a tree.
Image captured by Gamesual - Blue Medallion 6: Keep going further and climb down to a hard right turn. You will go into an alley-like structure, and at the end, you will find the last Medallion hanging on the left wall.
Image captured by Gamesual
Quest 4 (Grand Hall)
During the Castle section of my campaign, I got my hands on another one of the Blue Medallion requests. Request pamphlets in this area can be found after entering the castle from the courtyard. You can find the merchant hub on the very first door on the right.
Go in there, and you will find the request on the typewriter table in the room. Pick it up and start the fourth Medallion Quest.
- Blue Medallion 1: For the first Medallion, go out of the room and go left, and then again take a left and look above in the closed-off corner. You will find the Medallion hanging from the ceiling.
- Blue Medallion 2: It took me a little longer to locate the second Medallion as it was hiding in plain sight. Just Go up the stairs and go behind the beam straight behind the statue. Above the beam, the Medallion is hanging from the wall supported by the shaft.
- Blue Medallion 3: After the second Medallion, go towards the stairs on the right and go inside the door before the stairs. Go left into the dining ball, and on the right side of the dining table, go all the way to the last window and aim outside from the left angle of the window, and you will see the Medallion.
- Blue Medallion 4: I had to backtrack and climb the stairs next to the door to find the fourth Medallion. Now, look at the chandelier from the fence a little outwards. And you will see the Medallion inside the chandelier.
- Blue Medallion 5: Move on from the chandelier and again into a door to your right. Move to the end of the hall and again take a right. But before you jump down, go right again and stand straight in front of the first lamp. From there, look at the curtains and see the Medallion in the middle.
- Blue Medallion 6: Now go back from where you came up to the door you entered from, and right parallel to it, go to the other door on the other side in front of it. There, keep going down the hallway till you see the first two paths, and go left onto the catwalk.
- Go to the end of the catwalk, and a cutscene should start, which will take the catwalk down. All you need to do is look at the small beam supporting the balcony on the left side of it. You will find the Medallion on its side.
Image captured by Gamesual
Quest 5 (Island-Cargo Depot)
This quest comes up when you reach the Cargo Depot and the lab section, which may very well be one of my favorite sections in the game. The request can be acquired after you get a level 3 keycard and rescue Ashley.
I could spot the pamphlet before entering the Cargo Depot in the room with the Merchant. Grab that and head on over to the Cargo Depot.
- Blue Medallion 1: The first Medallion is above you from the door you enter. Just go a little further away from the door and look up; you can find it hanging from the ceiling on the upper flowers.
Image captured by Gamesual - Blue Medallion 2: For this one, look down from the cliff next to where you found the first one, and it should be viewable at a 60-degree angle.
Image captured by Gamesual - Blue Medallion 3: This one can be found hanging between the red containers you come across after going to the other side of the block created by heavy machinery and rubble.
Image captured by Gamesual - Blue Medallion 4: Using the position from the previous Medallion location, go to the right side where you can see iron boxes and look behind them, and you will find the fourth Medallion hanging from the ceiling.
Image captured by Gamesual - Blue Medallion 5: For the fifth one, go to the left side of the stairs and look upwards to the sky, where you can see a metallic water tank-like structure, and you will find the Medallion hanging from it.
Image captured by Gamesual
Quest 6 (Cliffside Ruins)
This is the last Medallion Quest in the game, found in the previous sections. Right before I entered the Storage Specimen section in the campaign, I got my hands on the final request near the door. If you go into the Storage Specimen area, you won’t be able to return, as it’s a point of no return. Grab the request, and you can start hunting some Medallions.
- Blue Medallion 1: Pick up the quest and take a few steps backward. Look up at the tower on the building in front of you, and you will see the Medallion on the window to the right.
Image captured by Gamesual - Blue Medallion 2: Turn around for this one and look towards the construction structure on the right. And you’ll see the Medallion hanging on one of the planks of the wooden repair structure.
Image captured by Gamesual - Blue Medallion 3: For this one, go further and take a hard turn into the room with a ladder going down. Go behind the ladder from the left, and you will see the Medallion in a corner.
Image captured by Gamesual - Blue Medallion 4: Go down the ladder and go further till you reach the hall with the chest. It will be visible and hanging from a ruined structure once a ceiling.
Image captured by Gamesual - Blue Medallion 5: For this one, look outside towards the scenery using the first window you come across while coming to the hall. You need to look harder for this one, but you will see the Medallion hanging between the rocks below the sea.
Image captured by Gamesual
Medallion Request Rewards
Unlike the original, this request can give you the gun after only five Blue Medallions are shot. But most of all, there is no reward for entirely shooting all of the Medallions except one helpful thing. That is the new trade currency, the spinel.
My Thoughts
Blue Medallion serves as a fun side quest in Resident Evil 4 Remake. In my experience, I found the vibrant blue color of these medallions more accessible to spot when I was only paying attention. However, there was always that one sneaky Blue Medallion that took me longer than most.
I realized these Medallions mainly were in the same map section during my campaign. Therefore, if you have wandered far off, it is possible that you left a Medallion behind. I recommend that every player try to complete these whenever possible, as these quests serve as a steady supply of spinels.
That’s all we have on the current info about the Blue Medallions Request; if you have any queries, need help, or even want to give your opinion, please do so in the comments.
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