GTA 5: What Is JP? [Definitive Guide]

Want to know about JP that you keep accumulating? Here is the definitive guide explaining what is JP in GTA 5 in detail.

Job Points in GTA 5
Job Points in GTA 5

While playing GTA 5 Online, you will earn numerous points when completing a job or mission, known as JP or Job Points. We will discuss everything you need to know about Job Points, what they are, and how you can earn more points to get advantages while playing. This guide will help all new gamers to accrue their JP faster than ever.

Key Takeaways

  • Job Points are those earnable points that you can earn after completing a job.
  • Players can use them to increase their credibility in the gameplay.
  • You will also be able to start your session with zero JPs, which will increase based on your performance.

What Is JP?

What is JP?
What is JP?

Jp or Job points are the points that a participant can attain when ending up with any job or task while playing GTA 5 online. You will receive 15 JP simply by default when accomplishing a job but can be awarded bonus points in certain circumstances. For instance, if you can fulfill the main objective during a mission, you are eligible to get more points. You can obtain the amount of JP based on your performance. Excellent performance results in more Points. 

 The chances of winning can also depend on them, as the more points a player gets, the more chances of victory a team has. These points can play a pivotal role in death match playlists. They can also determine the whole matchup without most players realizing it. 

Earning Job Points In GTA 5?

Earning the Job Points
Earning the Job Points

As I mentioned, a player will obtain these points by completing a job or task in their online game session. You will get these after every job like Golfing, Races, Deathmatches, and many more. When the job is finished, you can get a ranking on the playlists. The order helps to determine how many points you will receive. Let us check the numbers on each position. 

  • 1st place: 15 points
  • 2nd place: 12 points
  • 3rd place: 10 points
  • 4th place: 8 points
  • 5th place: 7 points

This distribution is granted while playing a Deathmatch or a race, but if you want to play some story-related sessions, the points are obtained by completed objectives.  

How To Check Job Points?

Checking the Job Points
Checking the Job Points

The amount of your job points is displayed in front of your online ID or your name. You can check them during your online job. If you leave the session or shift to another job, your points will reset to zero, as they are helpful for a long session game. 

Utilization Of JP

Purpose of Job points in GTA 5
Purpose of Job points in GTA 5

The primary purpose of the Job point is to get more anchorage during the poll. When playing through arbitrary jobs with other players, you must vote for the next job after completing the task. In that case, the job with the most votes will be the next. 

However, JP can serve as the tiebreaker if there is a tie. In a collective match, if three votes for Deathmatch but the other three players want to go with the Race, the team with the highest sum of job points will win in the job selection menu. So, JP gives you the advantage of choosing your desired jobs. 

Difference Between RP And JP

Many new players need clarification about JP and RP while playing GTA 5. RP stands for Reputation Points or Experience points that are used to level up the character in gameplay. Players can use these points to unlock new weapons, vehicles, and missions. 

The JP or job points help you gain credibility during your online game. Remember not to underestimate RP and JP while playing random sessions of GTA V, as they can play a vital role. 

If you want to learn more about RP, you can consider our extensive how to rank up fast in GTA Online guide.


Job points are significantly influential in the Grand Theft Auto 5 online sessions. Players can accumulate these points after finishing off any job during their game. They are also very fascinating and rewarding, especially in playlists. If you come first, you can obtain many job points. They can help you get leverage in a lobby and lead your team to victory. 

I hope you have all the answers to your question about what JP is and what they do in the GTAV. This article will help you to gain knowledge about Job points, and you will play to win more points. Keep Playing, Keep enjoying. 

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